The CFWDDX ACTION='' is enclosed within a CFTRY with some
following code, capturing data passed to it in a FORM variable from another
site.  The code following CFWDDX has to work if any data are captured, as
it CFOUTPUTs over the CFWDDX output.  If there is a CFTRY failure the WDDX
code passed to the page is captured to the database in the CFCATCH.  For
debugging purposes I'm also presently capturing all good WDDX tests
captured too.

The strange part is that I already did as you suggested, comparing failed
WDDX with good WDDX to see what the difference might be, but the WDDX can
be identical!

I cannot make it fail on demand.  It will just decide to fail one time and
pass another.  In one case the code failed repeatedly as I reloaded the
test page numerous times, and I went to bed but left the computer on.  In
the morning I hit the refresh button and the code worked just as it should,
capturing the exact same WDDX that had been passed to the browser and held
in its form variable cache since the night before.  Flabbergasted, I
compared the two sets of WDDX in the database and they were identical,
character for character.  I even saved them to two text files and did a
text comparison of the two and they tested identical that way.

I don't have direct access to one of the sites but I could arrange to have
someone set up a ping-pong test page on it for me.  What do you have in
mind, how would that help?

At 07:38 PM 5/9/04, you wrote:
>Message: 11
>    Date: Sun, 9 May 2004 15:43:26 -0700
>Subject: Re: WDDX on CF 5.0
>What error do you get?
>I did a lot of WDDX exchanges in 5.0 between remote hosts -- once I got
>the programs debugged there was no problem with WDDX.
>Can you make it fail?
>Could a timeout be the cause?
>Could you catch a unaccepted WDDX packet and save it to a text file
>where you could do a diff compare with a good packet.
>Do you have access to both sites so that you could write a program that
>ping-pongs a packet back and forth?
>Just some thoughts.
>On May 9, 2004, at 2:42 PM, Karl Simanonok wrote:
> > I'm running CF 5.0 and using WDDX to get data back from another
> >  site.  What's weird is sometimes the WDDX code is accepted on my
> > server,
> >  sometimes it isn't and throws an error.  Exact same WDDX code is
> > returned
> >  in both cases.  Has anybody seen this happen before?  Any ideas about
> > what
> >  to do about it?  (Please don't tell me to upgrade to MX though, that
> > isn't
> >  going to happen).
> >
> >  Regards,
> >
> >  Karl S.
> >
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