Come to an intensive class on Fusebox or CFMX 7 upgrade in Rockville,
Maryland. Classes limited to 12 students each so that you can be sure
to get your own questions answered!  Sign up today to
guarantee a place at
- Michael Smith, TeraTech, Inc

PS If you can't make a class we have one-on-one mentoring and on site
classes too.  Just email me if you are interested.

TeraTech was a finalist for Best ColdFusion Training in USA
two years running.

Class list
FB201 - Intermediate Fusebox    Jun 6 2006
CF209 - Upgrade to CFMX 7       Jun 13 2006
CU210 Leader of the Pack (strategies for building better software) - 
Simon Horwith - Monday 6/26
CU211 Fundamentals of Relational Database - Kurtis D. Leatham - Monday 6/26
CU212 ColdFusion Server Administration: JRun J2EE Deployment - Adam 
Wayne Lehman - Monday 6/26
CU213 Testing ColdFusion - John Paul Ashenfelter - Monday 6/26
CU214 Ajax intensive for ColdFusion Developers - Rob Gonda - Tuesday 
6/27 (FULL!)
CU215 XML, XPath, and XSLT for ColdFusion Developers - Jeff Peters - 
Tuesday 6/27
CU216 Domain Modeling - Hal Helms - Tuesday 6/27
CU217 Beyond Basic SQL for CF - Nate Nelson - Tuesday 6/27
FB101 - Intro to Fusebox        Sep 12 2006
FB201 - Intermediate Fusebox    Sep 19 2006
CF102 - Intro to ColdFusion     Sep 26 2006
CF201 - Intermediate ColdFusion Oct 10 2006
CS201H - CSS hands on           TBA

*TeraTech 100% Learning Guarantee*

We want you to be happy with our classes. If you are not
100% sure you learned everything you could from any of our
classes then you may take it again at no charge on a space
available basis.

Selected Class details (more at )

FB 201 - Intermediate Fusebox
Full Day course 10am-5pm
Just $349, includes lunch

Prerequisite: FB101 or similar basic Fusebox knowledge.

FB201 is for people who have already met Fusebox and want to improve
their skills with the new Fusebox 4.0 spec. Step up to the next level
with your Fusebox programming and save yourself time and headaches
when coding ColdFusion applications. Great for team projects!

* Fusebox 4 overview
   - How version 4 is better than version 3
* Core files - fusebox.xml, circuit.xml
   - What files are essential to an FB app
* Nested Circuits
   - How nesting can help you organize your code for reuse
* XFAs
   - How Extended FuseActions can save time and self document code
* Layouts
   - How layout can help code reuse and be smart layouts
     that can change appearance depending where they are used
* Plugins
   - How plugins can let you change core file behavior without
     going crazy editing the core file itself
* Wireframes
   - How to build wireframe outlines of a site and what not to include
     them if you don't want headaches
* Devnotes
   - How Devnotes can save your butt when developing
* Fusedocs
   - How to document the Fusebox way and why it can help testing too
* Fusebox API variables
   - What are all the API variables and what can you use them for

+ Learn all the advanced parts of how the Fusebox architecture can
help you build ColdFusion Applications.

+ Learn to tie together all the new parts of a Fusebox 4 application

+ Study a sample fusebox application and take the code home with you
to use in your own applications.

+ Find out about how Fusebox can improve your applications from
better organization to proven methods of application design.

+ Work with the latest Fusebox techniques

* Q & A time


CF 209 - CFMX 7 upgrade
Full Day course Sign-in 9:30am, Class 10am-5pm
Just $349, includes lunch
Prerequisite: CF102 or similar basic ColdFusion knowledge.

Are you new to CFMX 7? Do you want to learn all the new features fast? 
This class will get you upto
speed on it all:
* Flash forms
* XML forms
* PDF generation
* headers and footers
* the report builder
* sub reports
* event gateways
* CFC new features
* Web Services
* Verity enhancements
* CF Application Framework
* CF Administrator API
* what is new in CF Administrator.

CF201H - CSS Beginner to Advanced hands on
Full Day course Sign-in 9:30am, Class 10am-5pm
Just $196, includes lunch

Day 1
Section 1 - Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
  Benefits and limitations of CSS
  Bringing CSS and HTML Together
  Basic Rules of CSS

Section 2 –CSS Structure, Units, and Values
  Class and ID Selectors
  Pseudo-Classes and Pseudo-Elements
  Structure, Inheritance, and Specificity
  The C in CSS (Cascade)
  Classification of Elements
  Length Units and Percentage Values

Day 2
Section 1 – Typography
  History of Web Typography
  Manipulating Text
  Font Families
  Font Weights and Size
  Styles and Variants
  Using Shorthand for the Font Property
  Font Matching

Section 2 - Colors and Backgrounds
  Setting Colors
  Complex Backgrounds
  Background Images and Positioning

Day 3
Section 1 – Boxes and Borders
  Basic Element Boxes
  Margins vs. Padding
  Using Margins
  Using Padding
  Floating an Clearing

Section 1 – Visual Formatting
  Basic Boxes
  Block-Level Elements
  Floated Elements
  Inline Elements
  Tableless Layouts

Day 4
Section 1 – Positioning
  General Concepts
  Overflow, Clipping and Visibility
  Relative Positioning
  Absolute Positioning
  Fixed Positioning
  Element Stacking

Section 2 - Cross Browser CSS
  Hiding Stylesheets from Older Browsers
  Graceful Degradation
  Browser Bugs
  IE 7 Considerations

[ Teachers ]
* Michael Smith, Jo Belyea-Doerrman and David Schroeder - TeraTech's 
Gurus. Michael did the tech edit on the Fusebox book by New Riders and the
Fusebox 4 book by Techspedition.

For class details and registration please go to:

All classes will be held at TeraTech training center

          405 E Gude Dr Ste 207
             Rockville MD 20850
          phone 301-424-3903
          email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[ On-site ]
On-site and customized classes are available for your organization.
Contact Michael at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more details.

Register now! Seats are limited.

[ CF Help ]
Need expert ColdFusion, SQL, VB and Access Programming? Project stuck
and need one-on-one help? Looking for onsite training? Call TeraTech
800-447-9120 or email mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] We get you moving

Michael Smith, TeraTech Inc - Tools for Programmers(tm)
TeraTech voted Best Consulting Service by CFDJ readers!
CF/ASP Web, VB, Math, Access programming tools and consulting
405 E Gude Dr Ste 207, Rockville MD 20850 USA
Please check out - email 
or call us for more information; in the USA at 1-800-447-9120,
+1-301-424-3903 International, Fax 301-762-8185  Thanks!

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