I am getting a very non-descript error in CFMX when doing a query on
query.  Has anybody seen this error before?  I have posted the CFMX/SQL
code below as well.


----- Error Message -----

Error casting an object of type java.lang.boolean to an incompatible
type.  This usually indicates a programming error in Java, although it
could also mean you have tried to use a foreign object in a different
way that it was designed.

-- Error line number indicates closing </cfquery> tag on second query --

----- CFMX / SQL Code -----

<cfquery name="summaryInfo" datasource="#request.dsn#">
        SELECT systems.systemName, users.userID, users.name AS userName,
users.team, users.approval, users.comments
        FROM systems INNER JOIN users ON systems.ownerID = users.userID
        WHERE users.reviewCurrent = true
        GROUP BY users.team, users.userID, users.name,
systems.systemName, users.approval, users.comments
        ORDER BY users.team, users.name, systems.systemName

<cfquery name="userList" dbtype="query">
        SELECT DISTINCT userID, userName, team, approval, comments
        FROM summaryInfo
        WHERE team = 'marketing'

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