I'm using a script that Uses COM and requires CFOBJECT be enabled in the CF 
Administrator in CF version 5. I've looked throughout the admin and can't find 
where to enable cfobject. It's the script in a previous post found at: 
Any ideas? Or is there something else that's missing here?
I'm using the script that returns the amount of free space (in bytes) available 
to the ColdFusion server for a specified drive or network sharein CFLIB.org. 
See below:
Robert O.

function FreeSpace(drvPath)
  Var fso  = CreateObject("COM", "Scripting.FileSystemObject");
  Var drive = fso.GetDrive(c);
  Return drive.FreeSpace;
<CFOUTPUT>Free space available on C: #FreeSpace("c:")# bytes</CFOUTPUT> 

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