Come to the User Group Managers Conference Tuesday 6/27/06.
It will be in room A of the main ballroom at the CFUNITED hotel
from 9am to 5:30pm

Learn how to run your group better and get great speakers and more 
members. Just $29

Why come to this meeting?
   Hear what other UG managers are doing
   Learn Tips on running your group
   How to promote your User Group
   How to get your members to volunteer more often
   How to expand membership
   How to quickly grab an audience's attention
   This has been a great way to make new friends and find new speakers
   What's changed over the past year

"I’ve attended the UG managers meeting the past couple of years. Not 
only do you pick up valuable
ideas for how to run your group better, broaden its appeal and liven up 
the meetings, but you also
get to hang with some of the quirkiest characters in the community. It 
takes some special qualities
to be a UG manager and believe me, these folks are, um, special! If you 
are coming to CFUnited, you
need to make space in your schedule for the UG managers meeting."
~Bob Flynn, User Group Manager

"How to improve your Presenters skills"
"What is new at Adobe?"
"How to be a better group leader"
"Finding Speakers"
"Marketing Your Group"
"User Group Resources"
"The future of User Groups"
"Networking and getting to know other UG managers and speakers"

Confirmed speakers include Eddie Sullivan, Simon Horwith, Josh Adams and 
Charlie Arehart

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