
Here is the ColdFusion and Fusebox news:

* Only 8 days left until CFUNITED-07! Managers Guide to CFUNITED.
* CFUNITED Europe Call for Speakers OPEN!!!!
* Open Source Code Off Results! Winner announced on Friday
* CFUNITED-07 Manager's Guide. "Why send your developers to CFUNITED?"
* CFMeetup Thur 12:30pm - Patrick Quinn Application Server Analytics
* New CFUNITED podcasts released http://cfunited.com/blog/index.cfm/podcast
  - Rob Gonda: Flex Intensive for ColdFusion Dev
  - Peter Bell: Practical Code Generation by Example
* New Fusebox website due for release at CFUNITED. "Got Fusebox?" t-shirt.
* Fusebox YouTube video competition ends 6/22/07
* Interview with Kurtis D Leatham on "Structures, Arrays, and database"
* Interview with Thomas Burleson about on  "Continuous Testing with Flex 
and ColdFusion Projects".

"After attending CFUnited Express in NYC this Spring, I saw the 
potential of CFUnited 2007. Its a
conference full of information that will get you up to date on all the 
latest and greatest in the
ColdFusion Developers world today. I am not missing any Teratech 
conferences anymore. Frameworks
Conference and CFUnited Express proved that you can get so much more 
knowledge and training from few
days on the conference, versus paying much more attending a class and 
getting much less for the
money. I spoke to CFUnited 2006 attendees who cant stop praising the 
event. There are sessions for
everyone, from developer to the manager. Can't wait for June 27th. 
Thanks!" -Elena A. Federal
Reserve Bank NY (CFUNITED/Express NYC attendee)

Other great quotes from attendees about "Why people should attend CFUnited"

* Only 8 days left until CFUNITED-07! Hotel info. Managers Guide to 

Need help getting your manager to understand why it makes sense to go to 
CFUNITED? Download our
Managers Guide to CFUINTED at http://cfunited.com/go/managers-guide . 
Takes less than 5 minutes to read.

* CFUNITED Europe Call for Speakers OPEN

We've announced the CFUnited Europe Call for Speakers!

Date: March 12-13th 2008
Location: Novotel London West, UK
To celebrate the 10 year anniversary of CFUnited we're going to Europe 
to share the CFUnited
Experience with all the ColdFusion developers overseas.

* CFUNITED-07 pre-conference classes

Registration and more info at http://cfunited.com/go/classes

Monday 6/25
CU221   Rob Gonda       Flex Intensive for ColdFusion Developers
CU222   Ajay Sathuluri  CF Server Administration for Security and More
CU223   Oguz Demirkapi  Multi Language Applications in CF in Theory and 
CU224   Nate Nelson     Advanced Database

Tuesday 6/26
CU225   Peter Bell      Practical Code Generation: By Example
CU226   Simon Horwith   Architecting and Optimizing CF Applications for 
Performance and Scalability
CU227   John Paul Ashenfelter   Best Practice Bootcamp for Developers
CU228   Charlie Arehart         New in CFMX 6 and 7: What Did You Miss?

* Open Source Code Off Results

Go to the CFUnited Wiki and check out the Open Source Contest Entries. 
We had some great projects
submitted and it definitely shows off our talented community! Winners 
will be announced on Friday
June 15th by the Advisory Board. If you have your own open source 
project you'd like to share,
please list it on the CFUnited wiki!


* CFUNITED-07 Manager's Guide

"Why send your developers to CFUnited?" This question and more are 
answered in this Manager's Guide
to how CFUnited benefits your company and how being an attendee 
contributes largely to the CF


* ColdFusion is Alive - partial survey results

Some of you may have read the Computer World article listing ColdFusion 
as one of 10 dead languages
and Ben Forta's response, Ray's opinions and Adam's rant on this. 
Obviously ColdFusion is not dying
but how do you convice your clients that CF is the right solution? I am 
giving a talk at CFUNITED-07
on "Selling ColdFusion to Clients" that will cover what strategies to 
use for selling ColdFusion to
clients and how to deal with common objections that clients have. I also 
have partial results of the
survey on your experience with what arguments have been working on the 
Read more and see the survey results at:

(If you haven't taken the survey yet then please do! There is a link 
from the above page to it)

* How to get your boss to send you to CFUNITED
Having trouble getting authorization to attend CFUNITED - check out 
these top reasons for coming!


* User Group Manager Meeting Tues 6/26/07 -  http://ugmm.cfunited.com/

* CFMeetup Thur 12:30pm - Rob Gonda Flex Intensive for ColdFusion Developers

CFMeetup is a weekly half hour technical talk from CFUNITED speakers. It 
is hosted by Raymond Camden
and Charlie Arehart of the Meetup virtual CFUG. The current schedule is 
every Thursday at 12:30pm -
1pm EDT.

     * 6/14/07 Patrick Quinn Application Server Analytics
     * 6/21/07 Mark Drew "CFeclipse Plus!"
     * 6/28/07 Live from show

You can get details on each talk, as well as RSVP, at: 
The URL for each Acrobat Connect meeting will be 
http://experts.acrobat.com/cfmeetup/, where you
would sign in as a guest.

The talks are on Adobe Acrobat Connect so you can listen in remotely via 
your PC with sound via the
internet. We are planning to record the talks and will provide URLs for 
later viewing after each
event. Looking forward to seeing you there!

* New CFUNITED podcasts released
- Rob Gonda: Flex Intensive for ColdFusion Dev
- Peter Bell: Practical Code Generation by Example

Rob Gonda: Flex Intensive for ColdFusion Dev

In this 20-30 minute preview, Rob will give us a taste of his full day 
hands-on Flex course, which
requires no previous Flex experience. The class promises to be fun, 
energetic, and saturated with
information, examples, and code. It will focus not only on Flex 
architecture, but also teach you to
organize your ColdFusion code in such fashion that you can reuse your 
business layer across any
front-end, including Html, Ajax, Flash, or Flex.

Rob Gonda is the CTO for iChameleon Group and Editor-in-Chief of the 
AJAX Developer's Journal. He is
an Advanced Certified Coldfusion Developer, member of the Adobe 
Community Experts, frequent
contributor to the CFDJ and ADJ, frequent speaker at IT and developer 
conferences nationwide,
co-author of Real-World Ajax, author of ajaxCFC, holds a BS in computer 
science and engineering, an
MBA with a specialization in entrepreneurship, and he specializes in 
Rich Internet Applications and
object-oriented architecture. You can reach him at 
rob[at]robgonda[dot]com and read his blog is at


Peter Bell: Practical Code Generation by Example

In this 20-30 minute session, Peter Bell previews his day-long class 
which will show how to
generate sophisticated custom business applications - quickly, 
maintainably and extensibly. It
doesn't matter whether you are procedural or object oriented - whether 
you use simple queries or
stored procedures, whether you are an intermediate programmer or a guru. 
If you would like to spend
more time solving new problems and less time writing the same old code, 
his day-long class will
change the way you think about your job. Whether you've been generating 
code for years or are
completely new to the concept, you will learn practical techniques and 
see real world examples that
will allow you to significantly improve your skills. He'll preview how 
in each section we will use
practical code examples that you can use in your real world applications 
while explaining important
principles that will allow you to write more powerful, extensible and 
maintainable code.


* New Fusebox website due for release at CFUNITED. "Got Fusebox?" t-shirt.

The new Fusebox website created by Sandra Clark with help from other 
members of Team Fusebox will be
released at CFUNITED. Included will be a documentation wiki with live 
docs from Fuseboxers
worldwide, put tother by Nat Papovich and the Webapper team.

We will be doing a raffle at CFUNITED for any one wearing a "Got 
Fusebox?" t-shirt which you can get

* Fusebox YouTube video competition ends 6/22/07

You've seen them - the ten minute presentations where Rails enthusiasts 
make a blog or some other
handy application to demonstrate the versatility of the framework. Now 
it's time for Fuseboxers
around the world to showcase their skill and the framework they love. 
Team Fusebox wants you to put
together a ten minute YouTube video and will reward the creator of the 
video that gets the most
votes with a bunch of good stuff. Confirmed prizes include a pass to 
CFUNITED with more to follow.
The idea behind the competition is to generate some buzz around the 
framework and get some Fusebox
demos out there to illustrate the power of the framework. We realize 
that a good deal of the power
of the framework comes from ColdFusion's extensive, simple tagset, but 
the same can be said for many

If you have an existing open source Fusebox app you want to demonstrate, 
that works too, just
remember that the code has to be publicly available.

Deadline: June 22nd 2007 at 12pm (noon) CDT

* Interview with Kurtis D Leatham on "Structures, Arrays and Databases"
First published in Fusion Authority
by Clark Valberg

I'm here with Kurtis Leatham to discuss his upcoming talks at CFUNITED 
2007 in Bethesda Maryland.
Kurtis is owner / operator of KomputerMan.com, a ColdFusion development 
and consulting company based
on Boise, Idaho. Kurtis is presenting two different Boot Camp 
(beginner-level) track topics,
"Databases" and "Structures, Arrays, and practical uses for both".

CV: I know a lot of programmers don't work in an environment where they 
have a dedicated DBA so a
Databases session sounds quite helpful. I see you're also doing a 
session on structures and arrays.
Tell me about that...

KL: Structures and arrays are two of the most useful tools in any 
developer's toolbox. I don't think
there is even a language out there that doesn't have some version of 
these tools available. In this
section, we will be discussing how to create these containers, how to 
populate them, and how to get
stuff back out of them. We will also have a few real-world examples 
where structures and arrays are
used. We will also be creating a multidimensional array that contains a 
multidimensional array that
contains a structure. The cool thing is that ColdFusion can show you 
what that looks like! They say
a picture is worth a thousand words and I will be showing thousand word 
pictures depicting
structures and arrays.

More at

* Interview with Thomas Burleson about on  "Continuous Testing with Flex 
and ColdFusion Projects".

Michael Smith: This time we are talking with Thomas Burleson about his 
talk "Continuous Testing with Flex and ColdFusion Projects".

MB: So why should a developer come to your session Thomas?

TB: Thomas Burleson: Developers are becoming more experienced writing 
internet solutions. With that
experience comes the frustration of testing their components and 
Industry experts broadcast the benefits of continuous testing and the 
resulting effort/cost/time
savings in both the short term and long terms. This session introduces 
the concepts of "continuous
testing" and the impacts on ColdFusion and Flex projects.
Then, of course, we jump into code and examples to show the audience how 
and why testing frameworks
can/should be used.

MS: But aren't most developer's already testing their code?

TB: Usually the test methods are ad-hoc and do not cover "boundary 
conditions" nor do those testing
functions support regression testing. Or even worse, the developer 
inherits existing code that does
NOT have any associated test code. This "inheritance" issue creates 
significant inertia to
configuring a specific test environment.

Even worse, is the issue of synchronizing your test code with changes to 
your application code. And
what if the developer "forgets" to run the test code periodically?
This session discusses these issues and introduces a code generator 
called the Synchronizer that
continuously synchronizes your test code with your application code.

MS: This sounds a little magical! What do you mean by 'synchronizes 

TB: Don't infer that this tool writes the test code for you... that is 
not true. But it creates ALL
the shell testCase functions for you. Each new testCase will announce 
"failure" by default and thus
immediately notify you to write the code for that test case. Each public 
or remote function in every
CFC component is continuously watched and the testCases and testSuites 
are automatically generated
if missing. This CRUD [create-read-update-delete] automation for test 
code like CFUnit, CFCUnit,
ASUnit is a huge time saver and eliminates the primary objections to 
writing and maintaining test code.

And with continuously maintained test code, regression testing and 
continuous integration will
constantly verify code quality and functionality. Bugs will be found 
sooner, quality will improve
quicker, and development costs - ultimately - will be lower.

MS: What are CFUnit, CFCUnit and ASUnit and how would I get them?

TB: CFUnit and CFCUnit are testing frameworks that allow developers to 
build suites of testcases for
Coldfusion components, run those test, and review the test results 
easily. ASUnit and FlexUnit are
testing framework that do provide similar tools and functionality for 
Actionscript and Flex code
(respectively). Allow of these frameworks are based on the renowned 
JUnit framework used for Java
code. The presentation will provide URLs and links to these frameworks 
and other useful resources
for the Coldfusion developer.

MS: Is your tool related to ANT automated build utility in some way?

TB: Developers should think of ANT as a script tool for external tasks; 
in a crude way, ANT can be
consider similar to a DOS .bat file on super steroids. ANT uses java and 
xml file [& notation] to
specify tasks and their any associated settings/configurations. 
Traditionally ANT was used to
automate the manual efforts of compiling, building, and deploying 
software. ANT now performs those
task and so much more... Since the Synchronizer is a archive of compiled 
java code (jar), ANT is
used to (1) launch the Synchronizer, (2) provide input configuration 
information to the
Syncrhonizer, and (3) report synchronization results to the developer. 
Without ANT, developer would
have to use a VERY tedious batch file or command-line interface to use 
the Synchronizer.

MS: Cool! How is this whole topic related to test driven development?

TB: TDD [Test-drive development] is methodology to insure that the code 
you or your team implements
has been thoroughly tested THROUGHOUT all phases of the implementation. 
As your code becomes more
complex and its size increases, your test code also grows corresponding 
and becomes more robust. And
the test code continuous runs ALL registered tests so the testing 
becomes more comprehensive. The
ultimate goal of TDD is to insure that the code you implement is 
quality, stable, and tested code...
before it reaches QA or Production.
The Synchronizer assists with that effort by automating the creation of 
your test cases. And since
newly-generated test cases automatically FAIL, then the developer is 
forced to real-world test code
that allows the test case to test the code and report results. The 
synchronizer serves as a hidden
"agent" or code monitor and forces development projects to conform to 
TDD processes.

MS: So to sum it up what are the benefits of continuous testing on a 

TB: Simple really! The benefits of continuous testing are: (1) Delivery 
of quality, stable, robust
application code, (2) reduced discover times for hidden bugs and 
incompatible components, and (3)
faster delivers with lower development costs. With these three benefits, 
it is amazing to consider
that not every development project uses continuous testing. I wonder 
why... ?

MS: I will look forward to seeing you at CFUNITED.

TB: Thank you Michael. I presented last year at CFUnited 2006 and am 
very excited about presenting 2
topics this year at CFUnited 2007.

Come to the premier ColdFusion conference of 2007 in Washington DC area 
(Four whole days). Note that you could spend the whole CFUNITED 
conference at Advanced CF topics, or
learning CF in the bootcamp or learning Flex and Apollo in our Flex 
track. Or deployment issue or
empowered programming or SQL! Plus in depth pre-conference classes from 
nationally know experts.
Check it out at

* Speakers include top names like Simon Horwith, Charlie Arehart,
  Hal Helms, Michael Dinowitz, Ray Camden, Ben Forta and many more respected
  CF authors and presenters.

* Great tracks:
   * Bootcamp - Basic ColdFusion and Flash topics
   * Advanced - Advanced ColdFusion topics
   * Manager/Empowered - Fusebox and Project management topics
   * Flex/RIA - Flash, Flex and other technologies integrated with CF topics
   * Accessibility / usability - section 508, CSS and disabled access
   * Deployment/Platform - tuning, install issues, OS, picking a database

* Included in your full conference registration is the following:

     * Attendance for 4 days (6/27/ - 6/30/07)
     * Keynote and General Sessions
     * All conference sessions including repeat sessions on Saturday
     * Entrance to Expo Area
     * Networking Events
     * Badge and Badge holder with bar scan code
     * Free Lunch for each show day (Dinner is not included)
     * Access to all presentations after the event, including all the 
     * Promotional bag with materials including show guide, CD, coupons, 
     * Opportunity to participate in all raffle drawings

* Can't stay 4 days Wed - Sat? Optional 3-day and Saturday only packages
   available too. Saturday will consist of repeats the most popular 
   from the week - something many attendees asked for last year!

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+1-301-424-3903 International, Fax 301-762-8185  Thanks!

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