Here is the ColdFusion and Fusebox news:

* Topic survey results and winner
* New Sponsor, Integral
* Seeking SQL Server Solutions?
* CFLive Thurs 5/2/07 12:30pm Charlie Arehart "New in CFMX 6&7: What Did 
You Miss?"
* New CFUNITED podcasts released
  - Vince Bonfanti - The Road Ahead for CFML and for .NET: Cool Tricks 
Today and Tomorrow
  - Michael Dinowitz - Advanced RegEx
* Fusebox new website to release at CFUNITED-07
* Interview with Nicholas Tunney on "Introduction to Object Oriented 
Programming with CF"

    "CFUNITED is a great opportunity to launch your career into the next 
level, allowing
    developers to learn new tips, tricks and techniques, all while 
bonding with fellow
    ColdFusion users many of us only know by name."
     -Constanty DeCinko (CFUNITED attendee)

* Topic survey results and winner

Thanks everyone who took the topic survey. The Saturday topics will be 
annouced on teh CFUNITED blog
by Friday this week. The winner of the free ticket by random drawing is:
Mitch McCoy

"If you are a beginner, the sessions are good at demystifying something 
that could be intimidating.
For the advanced developer, you can pick up some fresh ideas."

* New Sponsor, Integral

Our new Silver Level Sponsor is Integral. Since the 90's, Intergral has 
been providing innovative
products, software solutions and IT Services to hundreds of customers 
across the globe.

Thank you for your contribution to the CF Community! We still have some 
sponsorship opportunities
available, feel free to contact Liz at 301.424.3903 x107

* Seeking SQL Server Solutions? is your resource for daily SQL Server tips brought right 
to you. Each issue includes
only one new tip and something we think you can use immediately. To 
activate your free subscription
to, visit our web site and enter your email address to get 
valuable SQL Server tips
tomorrow. That's all there is to it.

* CFLive Thurs 5/2/07 12:30pm
We will be holding a series of online talks with CFUNITED speakers 
starting next Thursday. Watch the
CFUNITED blog for URL details. The first talk

Charlie Arehart "New in CFMX 6&7: What Did You Miss?"

* New CFUNITED podcasts released

  - Vince Bonfanti - The Road Ahead for CFML and for .NET: Cool Tricks 
Today and Tomorrow
  - Michael Dinowitz - Advanced RegEx

Vince Bonfanti - The Road Ahead for CFML and for .NET: Cool Tricks Today 
and Tomorrow

What's in store as you move your CFML to .NET? What amazing 
possibilities are enabled, both now and
into the future as CFML, BlueDragon, .NET, and related Windows 
components all continue to evolve? In
this session, we look at the road ahead and give some insights (and 
demonstrations) of just some of
the many possibilities enabled by the marriage of CFML and .NET. 
Starting with some cool things you
can do today to solve important problems, we'll then move to a sneak 
peak at some even cooler things
coming down the road with .NET and related components including as much 
on Vista, Atlas, Windows
Presentation Foundation, Avalon, Indigo, XMAP, and other new 
technologies as time and timing will allow

Michael Dinowitz - Advanced RegEx

The session is an examination of advanced techniques when using Regular 
Expressions in ColdFusion.
Regular Expressions are the most powerful ways to find (and replace) 
text data. This topic covers
the advanced techniques and deals heavily in usable examples of the 
technology in action.
Thanks CFUNITED attendee Christian Ready for making the podcasts!

* Fusebox new website to release at CFUNITED-07

Sandy Clark and the Fusebox website group have announced that the
new Fusebox website will be released at CFUNITED-07.
Way to go guys! For more info on the group see

* 10 reasons to attend CFUNITED

If you missed the 10 reasons to attend CFUNITED last week and you want 
to send to your boss
you can find them on our blog at:

* Interview with Nicholas Tunney on "Introduction to Object Oriented 
Programming with CF"

Michael Smith: This time we are talking with Nicholas Tunney about his 
talk "Introduction to Object Oriented Programming with CF". So why 
should a developer come to your
session Nicholas?

Nicholas Tunney: Well Michael, there certainly has been a lot of buzz 
going on around the ColdFusion
community regarding Object Oriented Programming (OOP).  One thing I have 
noticed within our
community is that many developers who have learned ColdFusion have no 
background in other languages.
  While this is one of the benefits of ColdFusion, it seems as though 
there has become a disconnect
lately between developers who are programming procedurally, versus 
developers who are programming
using OO techniques.  This class is meant to teach current ColdFusion 
programmers what OOP is, why
we would want to apply these concepts to our ColdFusion code and how we 
can begin creating objects
using ColdFusion.

MS: How would you say this "disconnect" is affecting procedural programmers?

NT: As ColdFusion has become more and more robust and refined, we have 
been given some cool new
tools for our programming toolbox.  One of these new tools came out in 
ColdFusion MX6, ColdFusion
Components (CFCs).  Even procedural programmers have been taking 
advantage of CFCs as containers for
all sorts of logic, including a repository for queries and common 
functions.  While this does
promote code reusability and maintainability, it does not unleash the 
power given to us when
ColdFusion began to run on top of Java.  To write truly scalable, 
maintainable, reusable code a
developer needs to begin looking at design patterns and methodologies 
available to OO programmers.
Also, with the dearth of MVC frameworks available to ColdFusion 
developers, procedural coders are
really pushing several helpful tools outside of their programming 
"sandbox" by not adopting OO

MS: So what will attendees take away from your presentation?

NT: Well, I have created this presentation so that it is really broken 
down into two sections.  The
first section will teach the attendees some basic principles of object 
oriented programming.  They
will learn important concepts such as encapsulation and polymorphism, as 
well as how a basic class
is created conceptually.  The first section will also delve briefly into 
composition and
inheritance, two concepts imperative to OOP.  The second section of this 
session takes these
principles and applies them directly to ColdFusion.  Attendees will be 
able to leave the session
with the power to create a class using ColdFusion components, as well as 
how to instantiate that
class and create objects in their ColdFusion applications.

MS: Encapsulation, polymorphism, instantiation... these sound like 
difficult things to learn.  Will
attendees really be able to grasp these concepts in an hour long session?

NT: Absolutely, Michael.  This session is designed for procedural 
programmers who have little to no
background in an OO language.  We will take each OO principle step by 
step, and combined with real
world examples, they really become quite easy to comprehend.

MS: Excellent.  I certainly look forward to your presentation 
"Introduction to Object Oriented
Programming in ColdFusion".  See you at CF-United 07!

You can see more interviews at
CFUNITED-06 is Wed 6/27/07 - Sat 6/30/07 in Bethesda MD, just outside 
Washington DC. It costs $949
until 3/31/06 then $1049. For more information on CFUNITED see

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming with CF
The presentation will focus on applying Object Oriented concepts to 
ColdFusion MX applications. The
presentation is broken up into two sections. During the first section, 
attendees will learn what
Object Oriented programming is, and why we want to use object oriented 
programming. The second
section focuses on applying the techniques learned in part 1 to 
ColdFusion development. This section
will include a sample application detailing the differences between 
procedural and Object Oriented
design. Attendees will learn concepts such as encapsulation, 
polymorphism, inheritance and
composition. They will also be able to instantiate objects and persist 
objects in a data persistence

Speaker Bio:
Nicholas Tunney is an Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion developer and 
has been programming
ColdFusion for over 8 years. He is currently Senior Software Architect 
for AboutWeb, a consulting
firm located in Rockville, Maryland. He is also a frequent author for 
ColdFusion Developer's
Journal, wrote and supports objectBreeze - a popular CF ORM API and is 
an Adobe Certified Instructor
and Adobe Community Expert.

Come to the premier ColdFusion conference of 2007 in Washington DC area 
(Four whole days). Note that you could spend the whole CFUNITED 
conference at Advanced CF topics, or
learning CF in the bootcamp or learning Flex and Apollo in our Flex 
track. Or deployment issue or
empowered programming or SQL! Plus in depth pre-conference classes from 
nationally know experts.
Check it out at

* Speakers include top names like Simon Horwith, Charlie Arehart,
  Hal Helms, Michael Dinowitz, Ray Camden, Ben Forta and many more respected
  CF authors and presenters.

* Great tracks:
   * Bootcamp - Basic ColdFusion and Flash topics
   * Advanced - Advanced ColdFusion topics
   * Manager/Empowered - Fusebox and Project management topics
   * Flex/RIA - Flash, Flex and other technologies integrated with CF topics
   * Accessibility / usability - section 508, CSS and disabled access
   * Deployment/Platform - tuning, install issues, OS, picking a database

* Included in your full conference registration is the following:

     * Attendance for 4 days (6/27/ - 6/30/07)
     * Keynote and General Sessions
     * All conference sessions including repeat sessions on Saturday
     * Entrance to Expo Area
     * Networking Events
     * Badge and Badge holder with bar scan code
     * Free Lunch for each show day (Dinner is not included)
     * Access to all presentations after the event, including all the 
     * Promotional bag with materials including show guide, CD, coupons, 
     * Opportunity to participate in all raffle drawings

* Can't stay 4 days Wed - Sat? Optional 3-day and Saturday only packages
   available too. Saturday will consist of repeats the most popular 
   from the week - something many attendees asked for last year!

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