Following the recent AOL caching discussion, I started ponder what caching 
meant regarding my new development work.  We are finally addressing the cf 
- spider issues by using a modified version of 
formurl2attributes.  However, this now raises the greater likelihood of 
there being hijacked sessions.  We have addressed this issue to some extent 
by comparing http-referer and remote ip address variables, but I definitely 
see the value in preventing proxy servers from caching dynamically created 
pages.  So what is the best way to do that?  I thought about using <cfhead 
name="Pragma" value="no-cache"> which should be a good directive to 
well-behaved proxy servers.  However, I do want browsers to cache reused 
images for logos and rollovers and such and when I looked at Microsoft's 
site to see how I.E. treats caching issues, I read that Pragma:no-cache 
will prevent local browser caching.

So is there a good way to prevent proxy servers from caching, but still let 
browsers cache?

Reading the AOL webmaster page on caching, they also mention:

Cache-Control: no-store
User requested object from originating server

Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, private
Originating server has requested no caching

Can anyone tell me what the difference between these two are and if they 
would effect browser and proxy caching differently?
I looked through the http 1.1 spec and could get a really solid grasp on 
caching and proxy vs. browser implementations.

Judah McAuley

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