We've got a public Web site built on MX 6.1. We have a lot of problems with 
users who don't have cookies enabled in their browsers. This causes problems, 
especially, when users are attempting to log in.

I know I can check if cookies are enabled by creating a cookie variable on one 
template and then checking for the existence of that variable on another 
template. So, on our development site, I've added some code which creates a 
cookie variable on every page of the site. Then, I've added some code to the 
template which our login page submits to. That template checks for the 
existence of the cookie, and if it doesn't find it, it redirects (using the 
cflocation tag) to a page which displays a message about cookies not being 
enabled and provides instructions on how to enable them in different browsers. 
This works.

The problem is that if the user clicks the "Back" button on the "Cookies Not 
Enabled" page after enabling cookies, they go back to the login page, but the 
cached version of the login page (accessed by the "Back" button) does not 
create the cookie variable. So, when the user tries to log in again, they still 
get the "Cookies Not Enabled" page, even though cookies are now enabled. If the 
user then clicks the "Back" button again and logs in again, the "Cookies Not 
Enabled" page will not display and the log in will work properly because by 
this time, the cookie variable has been created, but I don't want to force our 
users to try logging in three times before it works.

I'm wondering if there is a better way to check if cookies are enabled in a 
user's browser which avoids this problem with the "Back" button. Keep in mind 
that we have a lot of different entry points to our site.


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