On 10/31/02, Cutter - \(CFTalk List\) penned:
>I've been a member of this list for a few days. I'm a beginner/intermediate
>ColdFusion Developer looking to expand my skills and learn new things. I'm
>really excited by the changes that MX brings about and can't wait for my
>sysad team to get the new server up. For the past several days I have
>deleted hundreds of messages relating to...hhhmmm? What happened to code?
>Is this the place for this? Did I get on the wrong list? I'm not trying to
>bitch, but do you know how long it takes to go through the 265 messages that
>were in my box this morning to weed out the crap and get to something that
>might help somebody? (I'm still going through the messages 4 hours later,
>the list of messages keeps growing, and I haven't written one line of code
>today. My boss loves me...)

Ahhh, this list gets a little noisy Cutter, and so it may not be the 
best place to simply come and read to hone up on your CF skills (I'd 
suggest one of Ben's books for that). But, if you have a problems 
that isn't easily found in a book, or you just don't have the time to 
go hunting for it, you can ask a question here at just about any time 
of the day or night and chances are it will be answered within the 
hour. And usually within minutes unless it's a real stumper or very 

As it is, some folks here (such as myself), have short attention 
spans. That's why we decided on CF as our platform of choice. LOL

So, we blow off a little steam occasionally, and get sidetracked from 
some of the issues at hand, but you won't find a better group of 
people if you need an answer to something and need it now. :)

Bud Schneehagen - Tropical Web Creations

ColdFusion Solutions / eCommerce Development
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