This isn't ColdFusion specific but I figure it's worth asking here -

I have two SQL 2005 servers that I am synchronizing data between using
stored procedures.  On one server, MAIN, I have 5 databases with identical
structure that feed a database of UNION based views.  On the other server,
WEB, there is one database that, for about 30 of the almost 1500 tables (I
didn't create the data schema nor do I have any ability to change it, it's a
Microsoft product that we're reporting on) in the MAIN db structure have a
similarly named table, something along these lines:

MAIN table - UPR00100
WEB table dUPR00100

Every 6 hours a stored procedure on WEB fires off that does the following:


INSERT INTO dUPR00100 (column list)
SELECT (column list)
FROM MAIN.Reporting.dbo.UPR00100

I'm wondering two things:
1. Is there a better way to do this data sync outside of using the stored
procedure approach?  The rule for the sync is that all data on MAIN wins...
and there is no code on WEB that modifies the tables on WEB.
2. Would there be any kind of time and process savings to rewrite the
procedures to perform and insert/update/delete process instead of always
wiping and reloading?

My limitations are this - I can't upgrade the database server and I can't
change any of the table structures.  I can only work with the
synchronization functionality.


Until Later!
C. Hatton Humphrey

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