Hi everybody:
At last a video based Coldfusion 8 advanced training came out! I was waiting 
for such a release for a long time. ColdFusion 8 Beyond the Basics from 
Lynda.com covers many topics traditionaly are covered in books and not video 
trainings. It shows that CF8 is a major jump for Cf that a company like 
Lynda.com releases an advanced video tutorial for the developers. Thanks Adobe 
for supporting CF and thanks Lynda.com for supporting CF.
This is the link for the tutorial:


and this is the table of contents: (copied from www.Lynda.com)

Table of contents
Welcome  0:57 1 MB 
Overview  4:21 3.7 MB 

1. Getting Started
Installing the required software  3:07 3 MB 
Installing Eclipse  3:51 6.5 MB 
Installing the ColdFusion Extensions for Eclipse  4:14 6.7 MB 
Installing and configuring CFEclipse  2:14 3.6 MB 
Installing the exercise files and database  1:39 2.2 MB 
Installing the exercise database  4:26 6.1 MB 
Setting up a project and testing the installation  6:10 9.7 MB 

2. Using Advanced Data Types
Understanding arrays  5:23 6.2 MB 
Manipulating arrays  5:57 9.8 MB 
Looping through arrays 4:13 6.1 MB 
Understanding structures 5:52 8.5 MB 
Combining advanced data types 4:23 6.4 MB 
Converting queries to arrays of structures 8:48 12.2 MB 
Assigning variables by value or reference 5:42 9.4 MB 
Reviewing the Application Framework 7:44 10.9 MB 
Using J2EE sessions 5:47 10.7 MB 
Storing complex session data in server-based memory 3:32 6.2 MB 

3. Building and Debugging ColdFusion Components
Creating a ColdFusion component with CFEclipse 6:00 6.9 MB 
Wrapping database functionality in CFCs 6:59 10.2 MB 
Calling CFC methods with <cfinvoke> and CreateObject() 5:18 8.7 MB 
Passing CFC arguments with <cfinvokeargument> 5:05 8.4 MB 
Passing CFC arguments with positional syntax 3:55 7.4 MB 
Passing CFC arguments with argumentCollection 4:34 7.2 MB 
Configuring the ColdFusion 8 line debugger 4:11 7.9 MB 
Using the ColdFusion debugger to inspect data 6:55 10.7 MB 

4. Using the ColdFusion Extensions for Eclipse
Using the CFC Value Object wizard 4:49 6.5 MB 
Understanding the Value Object design pattern 3:27 5 MB 
Understanding the DAO design pattern 3:21 5.2 MB 
Understanding the Gateway design pattern 3:55 5 MB 
Retrieving data with Gateway methods 5:30 8.2 MB 
Presenting in a data entry form with Gateway objects 5:42 10.3 MB 
Updating data with a Gateway method 6:29 11 MB 
Inserting data with a Gateway method 4:15 7.2 MB 
Deleting data with a Gateway method 4:11 7.6 MB 
Understanding the Active Record design pattern 3:38 5.7 MB 

5. Using CFCs and Sessions in a Shopping Cart Application
Setting up the application 4:12 6.3 MB 
Displaying the item catalog 5:03 8.7 MB 
Creating the shopping cart CFC 5:30 9.3 MB 
Adding items to the shopping cart 6:07 9.2 MB 
Displaying the shopping cart count 2:57 5.8 MB 
Displaying the shopping cart contents 3:52 6.6 MB 
Removing items from the shopping cart  4:22 6.6 MB 

6. Structured Exception Handling
Using <cftry> and <cfcatch> to manage exceptions 2:57 4.4 MB 
Debugging exceptions 4:42 8.9 MB 
Managing multiple exception types 4:31 9.6 MB 

7. Working with External Services
Understanding XML 3:28 4.2 MB 
Creating XML files 9:09 15.1 MB 
Retrieving XML-based data with <cfhttp> 3:51 6.7 MB 
Parsing XML with XMLParse() 2:37 3.8 MB 
Getting data from XML  8:01 13 MB 
Creating a SOAP-based web service with a CFC 5:07 8.3 MB 
Calling a web service with <cfinvoke> 6:08 8.8 MB 
Retrieving RSS-based data feeds with <cffeed> 7:12 14.1 MB 

8. Working with Flash Forms
Building a simple Flash form 7:27 9.6 MB 
Laying out Flash forms 4:51 7.4 MB 
Presenting data in a Flash-based data grid 5:42 10.2 MB 
Binding data in Flash forms 4:19 7.2 MB 
Using ActionScript in Flash forms 2:56 4.7 MB 

9. Working with Images
Getting image information 6:00 9.2 MB 
Changing the size of an image 6:02 11.4 MB 
Changing the borders on an image 3:34 6.4 MB 
Rotating an image 2:33 4.9 MB 
Telling computers and humans apart with a CAPTCHA image 5:57 8.2 MB 

10. Working with Acrobat PDF Documents
Generating PDF documents with <cfdocument> 6:05 10.5 MB 
Customizing PDF documents with dynamic data 8:09 12.2 MB 
Collecting data from PDF documents 4:45 6.7 MB 

11. Creating AJAX-Style Applications
ColdFusion and AJAX 1:35 1.5 MB 
Creating an application with the AJAX Application wizard 7:19 10.4 MB 
Using the generated AJAX application 4:13 5.4 MB 
Creating dynamic menus with <cfmenu> 5:02 7.1 MB 
Using <cflayout> and <cflayoutarea> 3:42 5.3 MB 
Using <cfpod> to create defined pods in a layout area 3:37 6.2 MB 
Using an AJAX-style data grid 5:11 8.8 MB 

12. Creating ColdFusion Presentations
Understanding ColdFusion presentations 4:05 5.7 MB 
Adding notes to presentation slides 1:17 1.9 MB 
Searching presentation slides 1:59 3.2 MB 
Adding audio to a presentation slide 2:04 3.5 MB 
Adding video to a presentation slide 2:20 3.5 MB 

Goodbye 0:40 0.7 MB 

Appendix A
Installing ColdFusion 8 on Windows 7:31 8.5 MB 
Installing ColdFusion 8 on Mac OS X 9:05 11.1 MB 
Testing the ColdFusion installation 4:49 7.7 MB 
Installing MySQL on Windows 4:17 6.2 MB 
Installing MySQL tools on Windows 3:18 4.1 MB 
Installing MySQL on Mac OS X 3:13 4.5 MB 
Installing MySQL tools on Mac OS X 2:37 3.5 MB 

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