This past week I applied as a manager of a new ColdFusion User Group for the
Fresno area (beginning, intermediate and advanced developers from
Bakersfield to Modesto are welcome to join!). I considered naming it the
Central Valley CFUG (CVCFUG) but decided that NOCFUG had a bit more flare
and is more accurate since the meetings will be in Fresno (NO), California.
My application has been approved and I have already setup a hosting account
with CFDynamics! I hope to a site up in the next couple of weeks.

After we make our two-month mark, I also plan to host Adobe Connect
presentations on a regular basis (at least once a month) with guest speakers
such as Luis Majano (ColdBox), PeterBell (LightWire), Adam Fortuna
(ColdCourse) Brian Kotek, Sean Corfield, Rob Gonda, Paul Marchotte and
others (pending their acceptance of my invitation).

If you or somebody you know is a ColdFusion developer (or would like to
learn CFML) and you live in the central valley, please let me know by email
or responding to this thread.

Our group will cover the following topics:

CFML basics
Best practices
Making the transition to OO
CF frameworks
and more (members suggestions welcome)

Your facilitator,
Aaron Roberson

P.S. If you do not live in the Central Valley you may still join our group
for the live, interactive online presentations. So tell a friend, and
remember to visit in the next couple weeks!

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