OT: HackerSafe

2007-06-07 Thread Bryan Stevenson
Has anybody else sen this HackerSafe program from Scan Alert? https://www.scanalert.com/ Does anyone else feel this is like throwing down the gauntlet to potential hackers?? I mean come onthis site certified to be 99.9% hacker safe is like sayingcome one and all and try and hack us to

Re: OT: HackerSafe

2007-06-07 Thread Rey Bango
Unfortunately, services like HackerSafe are a necessary evil for PCI-compliance. We use it and all it does is run a nightly scan of our site using a custom version of Nessus. I will say, though, that it can be helpful in discovering issues that you may have never given thought to. In one

Re: OT: HackerSafe

2007-06-07 Thread robert . rawlins
It's a tough choice on this kind of thing isnt it, When I try selling my services to clients, security is always at the front of their mind and they love to have some form or reasurance, and something familiar like VeriSign SSL and the HackerSafe badge can definatly add that level of assurance to

Re: OT: HackerSafe

2007-06-07 Thread Bryan Stevenson
Yeppretty sure I'm in the same boatgood to help find issues...and of course security is important. It just doesn't sit right with me (this is not directed at HackerSafe, but a generalization) when marketing outshines reality. I'd rather my client be safe than feel safe because some