I'm using a script from javascript that opens a new window and populates the
new page.  This is great for working with pdfs. 
I decided to add it to a page that has a CF_TwoSelectsRelated tag and a
cf_autofill tag.  The variables will not pass in the url(makes sense as the
variable isn't defined yet).  (The variables do pass fine with submit
buttons). I'm wondering if there's a way to get this to work- either sending
it through the url or modifying it somehow to be sent with the submit
Or is there a better way to open a new window with the submit button/is
there a way to add the javascript there?

<!---Javascript to set up the new window--->
<cfhtmlhead text="

<!--- Javascript function to open popup window --->

<script language=""JavaScript"">
<!-- hide from JavaScript-challenged browsers

function openAnyWindow(url, name) {
  var l = openAnyWindow.arguments.length;
  var w = """";
  var h = """";
  var features = """";
  var resize ="""";

  for (i=2; i<l; i++) {
    var param = openAnyWindow.arguments[i]; 

    if ( (parseInt(param) == 0) ||
      (isNaN(parseInt(param))) ) {
      features += param + ',';
    } else {
      (w == """") ? w = ""width="" + param + "","" :
        h = ""height="" + param; 

  features += w + h;
  var code = ""popupWin = window.open(url, name"";
  if (l > 2) code += "", '"" + features;
  code += ""')"";

// done hiding -->

then my link that doesn't work is the following.  The TeacherId is used in
the CF_TwoSelectsRelated
tag (first the user picks a grade than teacher).
The school id is the current schoolid- the school that the user is admin at.
D#</cfoutput>', 'remote1', 600, 600, 'scrollbars');">View Class Report

Any ideas would be great.
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