I've got two servers that, when deleting a folder and its contents from 
one, I want to be able to delete that same folder/contents on the other. At 
any given point, I know which server the code is running on, and can 
connect to the other server fine via CFFTP.

I can also do a directory listing on the target directory fine, spitting 
out the contents of the recordset to see what's what.

But immediately *after* doing a LISTDIR action on the target folder - the 
connection seems to lose its place, so to speak. If I do the LISTDIR call, 
and then the same LISTDIR call again, the second one returns an empty 
recordset, and the error "The system cannot find the path specified". The 
code for both calls is identical.

This is what's killing me as far as looping over the contents of that 
folder and removing all the files within before removing the folder itself.

I've been using passive="yes", but swapping that to "no" doesn't seem to 
make a difference.

Any thoughts?

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