Did you restart CFMX after the file was put back?  If not, it might be
that CF is caching the "missing file-ness" of that file (just like it
caches the location of custom tags, and doesn't like it when they move).
Or not...

-----Original Message-----
From: jonese [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 12:08 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFComplie, problems, or gotcha, or just me?

OK so I'm playing around with CFCompile because a customer wants root
level access to his site and we don't want him to see proprietary code
for our CMS.

I compiled our CFC directory as a test and replaced the uncompiled files
with the compiled files. Everything seems to work fine.

Then on a whim to test that it was reading correctly i removed one of
the CFC's (just moved it from the CFC folder to the root folder) and hit
the page again. Got the expected error (Component blah.blah.blah not
found yada yada yada) BUT when i copied the file BACK to the CFC
directory it STILL wouldn't find it.

SO i recompiled the entire CFC directory again and copied all the
compiled files again and it works again.

ANY idea why when i move a compiled CFC from one directory to another
and then back to it's original directory it would fail??

Also when it asks for the webroot should this be the webroot of the
server, or of the particular website I'm cfcompiling on? (we virtually
host our clients on the same box)


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