First of all I'd like to say that it's almost never a good idea to use
comma-delimited lists in a database.  It violates the whole DB concept.

You should have another table that is used solely to relate record(s) of
type A to record(s) of type B.

That being said, here is the solution to your original question:
1.  Jerry is correct about placing commas before and after the list in the
DB - it is a must. 
2.  CONTAINS is a CF function, not SQL.  You must use LIKE.

Bryan Love
  Macromedia Certified Professional
  Internet Application Developer
  Database Analyst
TeleCommunication Systems

"...'If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have
        - Thomas Paine, The American Crisis

"Let's Roll"
        - Todd Beamer, Flight 93

-----Original Message-----
From: Angel Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2003 12:01 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: SQL: Comparing elements in a list to comma delimited data in a
table field 

Hello all,

I want to take a comma delimited list created in a Search form, and
check to see if any of the elements in that list is contained in a field
in the database which is also comma delimited in a compound CFQUERY

SO...form.coatings = "1,5,10,13"

The field coatings in the database contains "1,3,14".

So therefore that record will be a part of the resultset.

The next record coatings field may contain "7,8,9" and therefore should
NOT be a part of the resultset.

The SQL I tried was:

<CFQUERY name="sresults" datasource="napca">

SELECT * FROM tblMembers

<CFIF IsDefined("membertype") AND #membertype# NEQ 0>

        AND member_type = #form.membertype#

<CFIF IsDefined("") AND NEQ "">

        AND company_name LIKE ''


<CFIF IsDefined("form.coating_search")><!--- If the user selected a
coating search option then check for coatins --->

        <!--- Loop through every coating that the user multiselected on
the search form --->

                AND coatings CONTAINS '#ListFirst(form.coatings)#' 

        <!---DEBUGGING <CFLOOP list="#form.coatings#" index="coating">
                OR coatings = '#coating#'
        </CFLOOP> DEBUGGING --->



I was just testing the correct syntax with just checking for one element
of the form field list. But I keep getting syntax errors.

How can I accomplish this??


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