Office Automation is not safe for server side use.  You should avoid code
similar to what you posted (anything that instantiates an office

Office Web Components supports pivot tables.  I have a small example in one
presentation that talks about OWC but the example only covers using it to
create chart.

You should be able to find information online if you don't mind examples in
ASP or .NET--search google and msdn.

Best regards,


> -----Original Message-----
> From: erick calder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, July 05, 2004 10:26 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Creating Excel workbooks
> I've found this piece of code (on that pathetic online manual
> that Macromedia hosts):
> <cfscript>
> obj = CreateObject("Com", "excel.application.9");
> obj.quit();
> ReleaseCOMObject(obj);
> </cfscript>
> but when I run it, the page never comes back... what could
> the problem be?  alternatively, does anyone have a good
> reference for how to create pivot tables in Excel from a Cold
> Fusion page?
> thx - erick
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