In CF Admin for a particular datasource there is a setting "maintain
database connections" and another setting "Connection timeout".  If you
check "maintain database connections", then CF will keep a connection to the
database open for as long as "connection timeout" after its last use.  So if
you have page1.cfm and page2.cfm, both accessing the datasource MyOracle,
and a user runs page1 and a few minutes later runs page2, the CF server will
reuse the connection it made to run queries for page1 in order to run
queries for page2.  If "connection timeout" minutes pass with no use of a
given connection the CF server will close that connection.

Make sense?

-----Original Message-----
From: Debbie McDaniel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 1:52 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Deep Into Oracle 8.0.5

I am deeper into Oracle 8.0.5 than I wish to be...but I know someone here
can help me.

Currently, I have an application that connects to Oracle using Native
Drivers. Recently, I have noticed that when I view Oracle Sessions (using
Oracle Tools, Instance Manager), when I close my browser session, the Oracle
connection that was opened by ColdFusion remains INACTIVE for an hour or

Does anyone know how to kill the Oracle SessionID that is created when a
user logs out of a ColdFusion application?

I am using Coldfusion 4.5 SP2, Windows 2K SP1, with Oracle 8.0.5 on a
different box.

Hopefully, those of you who can help me understand my question. I don't know
how else to word it.

Thanks In Advance,



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