> From: Snake [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 21 November 2006 16:26
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Employee Satisfaction
> I actually have found that being too friendly with your staff 
> doesn't work very well. People generally don't want to be 
> mates with their boss and wont relax with you, and if you do 
> get too chummy, your authority tends to go out the window.

It totally depends on the boss.  Two of my best gaffers would happily go
out on Friday night, pay for most of the drinks, and get blind drunk
with everyone else - and also be prepared to take the drunken flak that
came their way by the end of the night.  It requires a thick skin and
two faces to some extent, but it can work really well.

Sometimes staff need to be allowed to vent their frustrations away from
the office - it can be a "reward" just to do that at times.

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