My experience...  I was having a nightmare of a time until the updater 
came out.. but since then, mx has been working great for me.  I haven't had 
to reboot since I installed the updater.
      I was in the beta program, and by the end of the beta program, all of 
my code was working fine on my test machine, even under load testing, but 
when it  went live on a high volume site - the nightmares started.. java 
database connector problems which stopped all web pages from displaying 
until a reboot - sometimes restarting services weren't enough...   I went 
back to cf 5 for my old sites, but had to keep MX for a site I developed 
using the advanced features.  Note - my test machine didn't have that 
problem, which means I couldn't even reproduce the problem using my own code.

My point:  no matter how hard we test in a beta program, until you go live 
in the real world, a lot of these problems don't pop up.  The best to hope 
for is to be able to have them fixed quickly when they are found.

Which brings me to my idea:

   Obviously, there are way too many messages in cf-talk for MM to respond 
to.  How about when a problem pops up like this one, Michael puts up a poll 
to see how many people are affected and how severe a problem it is for 
them.  Once it hits a certain level - say 100 people with a minor problem 
or 5 people with a major problem, a MM tech support agent is assigned to 
help fix it over this mailing list - so the people it affects can help 
supply the code and answers to help the tech support guy figure out what is 
going on and fix it? And we get feedback on how the fix is coming along.

Al Musella

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