
This is a spin off of <>

They started the site so they could put up all the crap the corporate office
wouldn't let them.



From: Mike Kear [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 7:45 AM
To: CF-Talk

I've been asked to do a site plan for a volunteer radio station, and I'm
looking for good, informative, radio station sites.

My brief is it has to be totally dynamic, because no one technical will be
available on a regular basis to update it.  That means I'll be going to run
the site by having people on the station log in and use browser forms to
update database tables to alter the content.

But it's a volunteer station and closely intertwined with the local
community, so I need to make a lot of that part - "we're part of the local
community" kind of thing."

I have made a plan for much of the site, but I'd love to see what some of
you think are really good radio station sites.

Any ideas please?

Michael Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks.


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