If you search the cf-regex archives, they're full of stuff like this.  It's
a common problem.

What you are seeing (I suspect) is the regex grabbing everything from the
<div id="whatever"> to the last </div>.  This is because regex, by default,
uses greedy matching.

In CFMX, you can do a non-greedy match like so:
"<div id="newsletterBody">(.*?)</div>"

In CF5, the easy shortcut is to turn the </div>s into something untypable --
I like the bell symbol for no real reason.  bell = chr(7)
string = replacenocase(string, "</div>", "#chr(7)#", "all");
string = rereplacenocase(string, "<div
id="whatever">([^#chr(7)#]*)#chr(7)#", "whatever");

If you want to discuss this more in depth, I suggest we shlep on over to
where we can discuss this on-topic, in depth, and with a good number of very
smart regexers.  :-)

--  Ben Doom
    Programmer & General Lackey
    Moonbow Software, Inc

: -----Original Message-----
: From: mayo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
: Sent: Saturday, August 02, 2003 4:04 PM
: To: CF-Talk
: Subject: REReplace not working as it should ... or is it me? --
: I'm creating a system to allow some users update parts of their site.
: 1. I'm using CFFILE action="read" to pull the file.
: 2. Then I'm pulling out sections within divs to be replaced.
: 3. These sections are placed in forms allowing users to update
: them and then
: using CFFILE to update the file by writing over the existing file.
: OK, so far so good. The problem is in the regex. It works -- but not as it
: should?!?
: <cfset title = REreplace(readFile,'^.*<div
: id="newsletterBody">(.*)</div>.*$','\1','all')>
: I read the regex above as
: Scan through string readFile
: 1. start at the begining ^.*
: 2. find <div id="newsletterBody">(.*)</div>
: 3. group 1 is everything between the <div>s
: That DIDN'T WORK !!! OK, what to do? Let's put a stop. Search for
: everything
: except for a ">"
: 4. Replace (.*) with ([^>]*)
: This worked fine except for the fact that there are <P>s and <BR>s.
: Alrightly then use a @ as the stop.
: 5. I replaced ([^>]*) with ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and put a @ between the <div>s. That
: didn't work!!!
: 6. After much fumbling I put the @ after the <div>s. That worked.
: Go figure?
: Isn't group 1 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) between the <div>s. Why would the @ work outside
: the <div>s?
: I have
: <div id="newsletterBody">
: lorem ipsum whatever<P>
: lorem ipsum more<P>
: stuff<P>
: </div><!-- @ -->
: Thanks for any insight.
: Gilbert Midonnet
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