I have a similar situation, where I have to develop multiple web sites on
the same machine. I do like the last reply and set a mapping to the
alternate root so that the relative links will resolve correctly and then I
take an additional step as follows.

1. Go to C:\WINNT\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
When you edit the file you will see an entry for       localhost
2. Add an additional entry for     NewWebSiteName
3. Save file and use your Browser to access http://NewWebSiteName/ as the
address of the new site.
4. If you create a virtual map in CF administrator it should work.
5. Oh ya, don't forget to the start the new web site.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2000 8:49 PM
Subject: RE: Setting up new site in IIS

> I'm trying to set up a new site within IIS. I've got it set
> up to use the same IP address, but a different port number (81)
> in this case. All works well until I get to a point where I'm
> trying to use CFINCLUDE to load a template (and this isn't a CF
> issue, but a general directory structure issue) - using a slash
> at the start of the address, to tell it "go to the root" will try
> and go to the root of the DEFAULT web site, and not the second
> site. I've still got ":81" in my URL, BTW.

If I understand you correctly, and you're doing something like this:

<CFINCLUDE TEMPLATE="/myfile.cfm">

then it is a CF issue. The above CFINCLUDE, beginning with a slash, doesn't
mean that it will look at the document root of the virtual web server, as it
would with an IMG or A tag, but rather that it will look at the mappings in
the CF Administrator. Now, there can only be one "/" mapping in the CF
Administrator, so CF will always go to the same directory to get the file.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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