> Good Morning All! Having issues parsing a WDDX recordset 
> pulled from an Oracle database.  The recordset was created 
> within JavaScript using the WDDX.js, and then passed to a CF 
> page that inserts it into an Oracle Database.  We ran into a 
> size issue inserting the record, even though it appears there 
> should have been no problem with the string length, and 
> needed to insert the record with <CFQUERYPARAM 
> VALUE="#requestData#" CFSQLType="cf_sql_longvarchar">.  We 
> had tried CLOB in the CFSQLTYPE but that didn't work.  The 
> issue being, we are in the process of migrating from CF5 to 
> 7.  When pulling the recordset back in 5, there is no 
> problems.  When trying to pull back the recordset created in 
> 5 to 7, there is an error that occurs when the <cfwddx 
> wddx2cfml  is called saying it is an invalid WDDX packet.  
> Outputting the datafield and viewing the source with 
> Notepad++, I see that there is a "Null" in a black circle 
> right after the closing wddxpacket.  
> When I run the test on the CF7 server, creating the recordset 
> with the same code, it appears to works both on the cf7 and 5 
> servers.  Any thoughts on how to have the recordsets in 5 
> work after migration?

I suspect it's an encoding issue. CF 7 uses UTF-8 by default, CF 5 doesn't
(and I don't know any easy way to make it do so). Presumably, if you're
using CF 5 to create the data, you would need to retrieve the data using the
same encoding used by CF 5, which presumably would be ISO-8859-1.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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