One way to get possible answers to questions quickly is to search the
archives at

m&restrict=&exclude=&words=cferror+cf+code in your case.

This list has been around for a long time and chances are good your question
has been asked and answered previously.  Last I knew Mike had all the posts
from day one.

This list has more value than a place to send an email and hope someone can
respond quickly (view posts about list lag time), it has a wealth of
knowledge archived.

Spend some time in the archives and you'll find answers to questions you
didn't know to ask.

Jeff Sarsoun

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Orlini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 12:34 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: cf error page in apllication.cfm


I have a process on our web server's dynamic home page accessing data.
Whenever the dynamic data connection fails, instead of display the standard
CF error page, it displays a static version of our home page.

This process works OK. I was wondering if there is a way to incorporate
additional CF code in that CF error page that also emails our webteam that a
static page is displaying because of a bad connection.

Is the default error page specified in the application.cfm file just a
static page or can it display an error and also do other processes? Is there
another area in CF that can handle this?


Robert O.
web admin
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