Ran into the same problem. I have a modified version we use. It examines
the message's "date" header. The rest of the code is the same. If you'd
like a copy of the full tag, e-mail me off list. In the meantime, I
think all that changed was the CFIF statement around line 227.
Substituting this code should work:

<cfset DateHeaderPosition = FindNoCase("#Chr(13)##Chr(10)#Date:",
<cfset DateStartPosition = DateHeaderPosition + 5>
<cfset DateEndPosition = FindNoCase("#Chr(13)##Chr(10)#", xFile,
<cfset MessageDate = Mid(xFile, DateStartPosition, DateEndPosition -
<cfset MessageDate = ParseDateTime(MessageDate, "POP")>

<CFIF DateDiff("y", MessageDate, Now()) GT LocalDateTrigger> 

Benjamin S. Rogers

-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Cruz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 5:37 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: resendundeliverablemail4.cfm and lastModified

I'm using the resendundeliverablemail4.cfm tag to handle undelivered 
mail.  It is moving mail to the spool fine.  However, it has the
to check the lastModified date of the email and if it's greater than a 
certain value it will email the administrator and move the mail to a 
"failed" folder.  This is not working because the lastModified date of
file is being apparently being set to the date/time the file was moved
the undelivered folder (instead of the date/time the mail was
and so the failure threshold is never reached.  I'm usin CF5.  Anybody
the failure notification to work with this tag?  Can CF be set to not 
change the lastModified date when moving to the undelivered folder?


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