I've been tasked to come up with some estimates with regard external

We are developing a large-scale CFMX survey, and we would probably need a
farm of 2 or more dedicated app/web servers (clustered or using sticky
sessions). Also, we would probably need replicated databases (MySQL,

We usually host our own sites, but we can't provide protection against
extended power outages (we've got a couple hours worth of UPS, but no
generators), and the new building we're moving into will not have ISP
redundancy (not yet, anyway).

I haven't dealt with an external host beyond personal and small business Web
sites, so I'm not sure where to start, but I need a host with all the
  *(maybe user-managed and possibly user-configured) dedicated machines
  *high availailability
  *preferably local, so if we have user-configured, user managed machines,
we could easily deliver them, etc.
  *etc., etc.

I would need to discuss a lot with them to iron out the details. Does anyone
have a host or contact they would recommend?

Jamie Jackson
Fairfax, VA

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