We have an older CFMX and SQL server (yes both on same box) that is running
slow after we added a very dB intensive client. We have an extra CPU out of
a parts server in the back room that we are thinking that we will install as
a band aid / quick fix. We currently only have a single CPU license of MS
SQL  What I need to know is will MS SQL have a problem with the 2nd CPU.  I
saw a post somewhere that suggested that MS SQL may refuse to start after
the second CPU is installed. Until we get a 2nd CPU license I would like to
assign SQL to use 100% of the 2nd CPU, is that possible?
Can anyone confirm that MS SQL physically requires 2nd CPU license to start
up after installing a 2nd CPU? Thanks
Mark W. Breneman
-Cold Fusion Developer
-Network Administrator
  Vivid Media
  www.vividmedia.com <http://www.vividmedia.com/> 

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