Basically, if you eliminate CFMAIL and the CF relay as the bottleneck, I
agree with Matt, cfloop and cffile should do the trick just fine.  cfloop
may not be the faster than a speeding bullet, but it's pretty darn fast, and
it's very likely going to be able to loop faster than your disk is able to
write files.

So that makes the new bottleneck your disk I/O.  Speed that up as much as
possible - possibly by using a dedicated high RPM disk, or set or RAID
striped disks, whatever you have/need to enable the OS to write files to
disk as lightning speed.

Set up your primary SMTP server (the one you're writing files to) purely as
a relay.  Have 2 (or 3, 4, N) other machines to relay these message to in a
balanced, evenly distributed manner.  How do you configure that?  Up to you,
pick your SMTP server and RTFM. :)

The point is that you don't want your primary SMTP server doing any heavy
lifting.  Don't make it resolve any MX records, it's just a firehose to send
messages to the heavy lifters you've configured to receive and send the

So maybe you have two "heavy lifter" SMTP servers...  Next bottleneck?
Bandwidth and DNS resolutions.  Get a few of the faster SMTP servers out
there and you can saturate quite a bit of bandwidth very quickly.  You will
also want to evaluate the location and speed of the DNS server(s) you are
using to look up potentially millions of email addresses...

Lastly, you are sending out millions of messages, and some will bounce.
Where is your incoming mailserver?  Make sure it's not the same as one of
your outgoing "blasters".  You don't want it getting distracted while it's
focusing on outgoing mail.

Um...  Yeah I think that's most of it...

Basically, you're likely going to be able to produce a huge number of
messages pretty easily using CF.  The moral of the story is that in this
configurations the real bottleneck isn't CF...


Cameron Childress
Sumo Consulting Inc.
cell:  678-637-5072
aim:   cameroncf

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