Regular listers will no doubt recall the 'discussion' (to use the mildest
word I can find) not so long ago about my hosting company who was having
difficulty installing Updater3 on the CFMX server that houses many of my own
sites and client sites.

(For those that don't, a quick recap - read the archives if you need more
details:  UD3 wasn't being installed, and one of my clients was being
affected by one of the bugs in the non-updated CFMX.  He wanted it updated
and it's a good practice to keep everything up to date anyway.   My host
Sysadmin was taking his time doing it, and hadn't pushed the right buttons
at Macromedia to get the right level of help there.  I had written to
Macromedia in the US to ask them to help and obviously hadn't written to the
right person or picked a day when other things were going on or whatever,
because I had no reply after a few hours.  But with a Friday running out of
afternoon in the US, and the prospect of an angry client by Monday, I needed
to stir up activity quickly, so I posted here on the list.  

Macromedia were extremely rapid to react (more below) and my post provoked
many on this list to accuse me of, or imply, many shortcomings on my part or
that of my hosting company.  The flaming got more and more strident as the
hours wore on till finally I said I was not going to post on the subject
until it was all over.   Now read on ... ) 

My only issue with my hosting company is that they hadn't put enough urgency
on the fix as I'd needed.  I don't know what else they had on their plate at
the time, and it doesn't matter to me really.  My client and I both needed
them to act quicker on it than they were and after my posting here, I lifted
my issue on their radar screen.

For those who thought I must have a clueless Sysadmin, or a hosting company
who cut too many corners,  let me say it took Macromedia's people several
days to identify this problem and set up to reproduce it.  I think while I
have a right to expect my Sysadmin to have a working knowledge of all the
software installed on the systems he looks after, it is asking a lot to
expect him to know what it took Macromedia's specialists several days to


I am MOST IMPRESSED with Damon Cooper of this list and the TEAM of people he
summoned to deal with the issue.   They might have been either unaware of
the issue or relaxed about the degree of urgency, but once I raised the
interest of Damon Cooper, the reaction was both faster and more
comprehensive than I could have hoped.   They got stuck into the problem,
and worked at it like terriers till it was fixed.  Many support people in
other outfits I've dealt with tend to work like terriers on an issue until
the client calms down then slow down or go work on the next panic issue,
leaving the basic problem still on the spike waiting to be fixed.  Not these
guys.  They stayed with it till it was solved.  All weekend as far as I can
see.  I assume the results of their efforts will be found in the next
release of CFMX.    Both my hosting company and I got regular progress
updates, including a few "we're still working on it, nothing new to report
just now" reports.  And as I understand it, Macromedia's picked up the tab
for the whole thing, since it was an installation issue.


Despite some listers' attempt to convince me otherwise, this was indeed a
genuine issue.  It was NOT that we had a clueless Sysadmin. It was NOT that
I had tried to save too much money and found a hosting company that cut too
many corners.  It was NOTHING to do with my own installations at
home/office/dev servers.   It was NOT to do with poor planning on anyone's

Damon has explained the issue here on the list and it appears to have been a
couple of problems working simultaneously.  First of all, the servers had 16
colours set, the default for Win2K and had been fine for installations of
every CF prior to this update.  UD3 requires 256 colours set.  (I note that
the system requirements now state you have to have 256 colours)

Furthermore, this issue has highlighted another problem that had been
elusive.  As Damon said the other day it was to do with the timeout for
JRUN.EXE to start.   He said, "On machines with a lot going on during
startup, or complex services dependencies, or slow machines, the 'jrun.exe'
executable can exceed the 20 second timeout in successfully starting.  When
this timeout is exceeded, the Service wrapper executable "gives up", returns
a failure code and CFMX is not started."   That is why so many people hadn't
experienced the problem - if their systems started JRUN.EXE faster than 20
seconds for whatever reason they didn't see the problem.   It was a pity
that so many people thought because they hadn't had the problem it must be
MY fault somehow. In fact they were lucky that they hadn't had the problem
emerge on their systems.     

Anyway, the end result is 

(a) AFP Webworks now runs its budget hosting business on updated and working
machines, running production servers on CFMX UD3, and 
(b) we now all know about the 16 colour/256 colour issue and 
(c) Macromedia have shown their true colours - they'll move mountains if
necessary to resolve installation issues and 
(d) Macromedia have altered the installation routines for the next version
(I assume) and the documented system requirements to account for these
issues.  That's pretty fast response I reckon.

Well done Damon Cooper, and Stephen Dupre and the others at Macromedia, and
a heartfelt THANK YOU!

Michael Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks.


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