I implemented Wily Introscope to monitor a ColdFusion application on a
HP-UX server using HP Hotspot JVM.


1) Introscope settings (probes) reference Java classes and methods. By
using the ..../WEB-INF/cfclasses, the only metrics I succeeded to set
are, for instance;


TraceOneMethodOfclass  cfDispatcher2ecfc1427029379 _factor0  MethodTimer


where the reference to the method is "_factor<n>".


Is there a way to associate this "_factor<n>" method name

with a real function defined with <cffunction> tag into the CFML page
source ?

Otherwise I obtain a list of "_factor<n>" method names into the
Introscope Workstation view, without to be able to associate each one
with the relevant CFML page source function name.


2) In addition, is there a way to instrument the Java class

java.lang.runtime (for the method getruntime) ? This is called from
ColdFusion page with this code:


rt = createObject("java","java.lang.Runtime").getRuntime();



I tried  

SetFlag: InstanceCounts

IdentifyClassAs: java.lang.Runtime InstanceCounts

TraceOneMethodIfFlagged: InstanceCounts getRuntime SimpleInstanceCounter


and then after unsuccess, I tried


TraceOneMethodOfclass  java.lang.Runtime  getruntime MethodTimer "..."


But it did not succeed, no metric appearing in the Workstation view
after page call.


Do you have any any idea ?



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