Writing HTML emails to SMTP pickup
I'm pretty sure this was discussed in previous threads, but the lack of a
full text-search in cflist makes it very hard to search. 
My client has about 100.000 e-mails and he wants to send customized e-mail
messages, with products and details about the customer's account. This
newslettetter will be sent every 10 days or so and will be in HTML format.
Since its very customizes for each one of the customers, he cant rely on a
bulk email software. I'm considering writing those emails directly into the
SMTP (win2k), using CFFILE. Maybe one of you can clarify this single point
to me. 
How should be the syntax of the file in order to SMTP process HTML e-mails
correctly? Do you know any website with such information? I found some
articles here on cflist and on evolt.org but they're all related to plain
text e-mails. 

It will be very nice if you could share some pages with related information.

Thank you.

Ps: I checked Jochem's <cf_advancedemail> tag but, unfortunatly, it does not
work with CFMX. http://jochem.vandieten

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