Does anyone have a good example of a cold fusion project intake form? I.E. a
relatively non-technical form that can be used with clients to go over the
major aspects of a cold fusion job?

Here's my "rough draft" version of what I'm talking about.... We work
entirely with clientele from within our organization, and need some
semi-informal checklist to use.

Cold Fusion Project Check List

? This project involves a database
? Pre-Existing (Availability Date:___________________)
? Provided on disc
? Available via FTP (Path: )
? New
? Field Names provided by client (Availability Date: )
? Field Names to be determined by developer

? Reports will be created from the database via CF
? Client will provide list of reports needed by
? Developer will provide generalized reports

? Database will be turned over to client upon completion

? This project involves generating email
? To one individual
? To a list of individuals
? Client will provide list by:
? Cold Fusion will dynamically generate list based on respondents

? This project should be password-protected overall
? Client will provide usernames and passwords by:
? Client will provide usernames by:

? This project should have a password-protected administration site
? Client will provide usernames and passwords by:
? Client will provide usernames by:

? Site will be on-going (no for-seeable end-date)
? Site has end-date (Date: )
? Some material is time-sensitive (drop-dead dates will be indicated by

? Projected "Go Live" Date:

I'm sure there's a lot that I'm forgetting. Feedback?


Deanna Schneider
Interactive Media Developer
UWEX Cooperative Extension Electronic Publishing Group
103 Extension Bldg
432 N. Lake Street
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 265-7923

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