I cannot find this documented anywhere
although I see mention of it on blogs and forums.

A developer here uses the macromedia driver for stored proc support. In
her application she also uses cftransaction. I have asked that she supply
the database username and password in either her cftransaction tags or in
the dsn since I have read that cftransaction bypasses the username and
password stored there. Although the transaction appears to commit and
rollback, errors occur repeatedly in her logs:
JDBC Driver]OS Authentication was requested, but is not supported by this
Oracle Server."

Do any of you know of other implications caused by not supplying username and
pass in the DSN as far as cftransaction goes? I am thinking it could
increase response time in her application if it does not. Also can anyone
point me to any official documentation that states this is the case since
all I can find is on blogs and message boards?

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