I have had employers call me in for  CF programmer position and start by telling me 
that CF is for  kids who like to play and that the real development  way is ASP
Usually when i produce some evidence to the contrary it shuts them up, but i never get 
the job :)

I had a new boss come in , he wanted everything redone in Perl, all 25 of our running 
Cf shopping carts. He didn't know Cf so he hated it,  he was making a simple databse 
application for a client and struggled for 2 weeks to create it and failed, finally i 
offered to do it and finished the project in , literally, 3 hours. That floored him, 
now he is a CF programmer.

Demonstrate the  powqer of CF and they cannot deny it.
Mostly i find people that raise security concerns are  doing some quick reading on the 
web to pretend they know something.
As all developers know, there is no language or method that has no potential for 
exploitation secutiy wize, good developers stay up with the latest issues and  act 


Change is the only constant

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