Re: large cf ecom sites?

2004-12-17 Thread Will Tomlinson
My buddy Trevor Bryson runs the show on this one. A major candy company that sells to countries around the world. Oh, and they're in Wal Mart too! It's a little flashy, but that's Trevor! Will

Re: large cf ecom sites?

2004-12-17 Thread Will Tomlinson
That site is only missign one thing...a rotating flaming 3d logo! He told me he can't help it. That's what his boss likes. Hm.. :) ~| Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Silver Sponsor - RUWebby

CF-Therapy List needed Mike D.!

2004-12-17 Thread Will Tomlinson
I've noticed there are quite a few of us that seem to be wound really tight in here. All it takes is one little word or phrase to set somebody off. What's the deal with that? Is it competitiveness? CF_Machoism? Are we like this with our peers in person? Or is it just on the ol' computer? I only

Re: CF-Therapy List needed Mike D.!

2004-12-17 Thread Will Tomlinson
It is called cf-community. I just read through all the subject lines in there. I got a general feel for cf community. Bush is an idiot. Bush is an idiot. Bible toters are Nutz. That's not what I'm talking about here. We need CF Therapy, not political therapy! It's a highly specialized

Re: Blackstone Beta

2004-12-11 Thread Will Tomlinson
We all need to think ahead. The future of what we do will not be hand coding applications. It's the same as driving a car as opposed to the old horse and buggy. The future will be application design/building tools like Iron Speed for ASP.NET, and CFM Maker for CF. Especially ASP.NETthat

Re: Blackstone Beta

2004-12-12 Thread Will Tomlinson
Ferrari's are fussy and very expensive to run so that's probably a very good analogy... Sean, Are you saying CF isn't fussy? And CF isn't more expensive than .NET? I'd really love to know. ~| Special thanks to the CF

DW loses my sites!! GRRRRR!!!

2004-12-20 Thread Will Tomlinson
Anybody ever have a problem with DWMX losing your sites? I shut it down, and twice now it reopened with all the sites gone! I have to go in a redefine them. This is really pissing me off! Anyone seen this? Thanks, Will ~|

Re: DW loses my sites!! GRRRRR!!!

2004-12-20 Thread Will Tomlinson
John, I appreciate it! Never heard of this tool. Well it's downloaded, I'm redefining my damn sites, then I'm gonna RUN that pup! Thanks so much, Will ~| Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Gold Sponsor -

Re: DW loses my sites!! GRRRRR!!!

2004-12-20 Thread Will Tomlinson
I have another question. Since I updated to 6.1, I'm getting an error on all of my Access DSNs. My little java applet went black after the update, so I just type the path in myself. But still no access ones verify. Unable to update the NT registry. Variable DRIVERPATH is undefined. Any

Re: OpenSource CF E-Commerce

2004-12-20 Thread Will Tomlinson
I usually use Mal's. Works pretty good and is free or cheap for the premium plan. Will ~| Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Gold Sponsor - Message:

Updating inventory qty in my DB

2004-12-20 Thread Will Tomlinson
I'm trying to write some code that updates my db with a new qty value after someone makes a purchase on my Mal's shopping cart. You can tell Mal's to run a script via HTTP call after someone completes a purchase. It passes a cart variable to the script, and you can do what you like with it. I'm

Re: Updating inventory qty in my DB

2004-12-21 Thread Will Tomlinson
I'm using MySQL, so I can't use a trigger. I'll make those changes you suggested Joe, thanks. Will ~| Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Gold Sponsor - Message:

Re: Updating inventory qty in my DB

2004-12-21 Thread Will Tomlinson
might cause your cart to be truncated, especially if you are holding product descriptions in it. Andy -Original Message- From: Will Tomlinson !---The cart info variable #URL.cart# arrives at my template via HTTP call, and looks like this. description:quantity:price:productcode delimited

Re: single quotes???

2004-12-22 Thread Will Tomlinson
Hate to chime in with not much help, but I've had the same problem. One application was fine, but another handgrenaded with single quote passing thru the insert. Weird! I think I ended up doing a replace(yourvariable, ', #8217;, 'ALL) to make it work. Would that help? Will

Re: single quotes???

2004-12-22 Thread Will Tomlinson
oh well! It displayed as a friggin single quote on this post. lol. Guess I should've removed some of it. Anyway, I replaced the single quote with a html equivalent. #8217 That worked! Is it friggin christmas yet??? Will

Re: single quotes???

2004-12-22 Thread Will Tomlinson
oh well! It displayed as a friggin single quote on this post. lol. Guess I should've removed some of it. Anyway, I replaced the single quote with a html equivalent. #8217 That worked! Is it friggin christmas yet??? Will

Re: single quotes???

2004-12-22 Thread Will Tomlinson
Speaking of single quotes, Mike D needs to add a single quote in the title of this site. It says CF-Talk Todays Thread. :) Will ~| Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Silver Sponsor - RUWebby

Beating a .net horse! Job interview confirms suspicions...

2004-12-23 Thread Will Tomlinson
Kick me off the list if you want. I doubt I could piss anyone off any worse than I already have, so I'm going to post this anyway. And I'm not posting in CF-Community! 1. I don't want to sign up for it 2. I think five people probably frequent the place! I just had a job interview with a local,

Re: Beating a .net horse! Job interview confirms suspicions...

2004-12-25 Thread Will Tomlinson
Triad who? You know... the Triad?? Dell decided to build their new plant here. This will be their largest and most productive plant. Their revenue for the past four quarters totaled $47.3 billion. Dell is a computer manufacturer which ranks 31 in the Fortune 500. You can learn more about the

Re: Beating a .net horse! Job interview confirms suspicions...

2004-12-26 Thread Will Tomlinson
This is a brilliant point as to why Dell chose the triad for its largest and most productive manufacturing facility. They should've read your post before making the decision. BTW, RTP is only an hour away. Combine them both and you *really* have a powerhouse. Point well taken. Will

IFRAME to the rescue?

2005-01-02 Thread Will Tomlinson
Hey all, I'm building a retail clothing e-commerce site and I was trying to figure out how to display a given product and a pic on a detail page, then show the other colors below. Then you click to load them into the main one, etc. It's all usually Javascript handling it, but with all my info

SQL group by instead of cfoutput group?

2005-01-04 Thread Will Tomlinson
Hello, I'm working with a clothing database. ProdID is the PK, then I have prodmodelnumber, prodcategory, etc..etc.. Clothes with the same model number have different sizes and colors so there will be quite a few duplicate model numbers in this table. I'm passing the usual URL parameter for

Re: SQL group by instead of cfoutput group?

2005-01-04 Thread Will Tomlinson
Just add 'DISTINCT' after 'SELECT' and SQL Server will automatically ensure that you don't have any duplicate rows in your result set. Oh, and go check out CFQUERYPARAM and use it. It'll save you lots of headaches. I tried DISTINCT and it still returns duplicate prodmodelcodes. How can I weed

Re: OT: MySql Front Ends

2005-01-08 Thread Will Tomlinson
Navicat pretty much rocks for me! Will ~| Find out how CFTicket can increase your company's customer support efficiency by 100% Message:

How to add images to my db the *right* way?

2005-01-10 Thread Will Tomlinson
I'm almost finished with the coding on my clothing e-commerce site, but I'm running into a few minor snags. When dealing with images, I usually just add a few image fields in the main table, image1,2,3,etc. It usually works fine and I built this stupidly elaborate process for updating and

Re: How to add images to my db the *right* way?

2005-01-10 Thread Will Tomlinson
I love ya, but I had to do it. Shoot me, sue me, whatever, it's Monday from hell here and I could NOT pass it up! BANG BANG!!! :) Waiting for dave to roll in and finish me off now. ~| Find out how CFTicket can increase

Re: How to add images to my db the *right* way?

2005-01-10 Thread Will Tomlinson
lol im trying to be good remember? but u set yourself up 4 it! badly!! I know! I know! ok, i didnt read some of the posts but what i did read didnt make sense. u had a seperate table for colors? and r u putting the images into the db or just the paths? When it comes to colors, I have

Re: How to add images to my db the *right* way?

2005-01-10 Thread Will Tomlinson
Just have a look at my schema whenever you get the time. It has most of what you're talking about. I appreciate it. Will ~| Find out how CFTicket can increase your company's customer support efficiency by 100%

Strange: Can't login to cfadmin

2005-01-10 Thread Will Tomlinson
I have a weird problem. Just loaded CF on my new computer, updater and stuff. It won't let me login to CFadmin. Everything is running, and I was logged in after the install, but now programsMacromediaCFMXADMIN gives you this error. coldfusion.tagext.lang.SettingTag.setRequestTimeout(J)V

Re: Strange: Can't login to cfadmin

2005-01-10 Thread Will Tomlinson
Been looking around. Do I need to manually add port 8500? ~| Find out how CFTicket can increase your company's customer support efficiency by 100% Message:

Re: How to add images to my db the *right* way?

2005-01-10 Thread Will Tomlinson
Hey Will, You may want to think about rearranging some of your schema: anytime you hit a situation where you wind up with column names like prodMainImage1, prodMainImage2, etc., you've found a place where you may want to examine what you're doing more closely. Personally, I'd completely nix the

Re: How to add images to my db the *right* way?

2005-01-10 Thread Will Tomlinson
Personally, I'd completely nix the prodMainImage1, prodMainImage2 approach in the tblproductimages table, and let one row in that table represent one image. Then, I'd add a prodImageID column to the tblAvailableColors table that indicated what images were pictures of a product in a given color.

Re: How to add images to my db the *right* way?

2005-01-11 Thread Will Tomlinson
I have it all worked out now. Thanks Joe! I schema's like you said which will work ok, but she said she might want up to three images per item. No biggie, I'll just revers the relationship and drop avcolorID into tblimages via FK. It's an auto num field so I'll just have to retrieve it for the

Re: How to add images to my db the *right* way?

2005-01-11 Thread Will Tomlinson
she said she might want up to three images per item Yep, but aren't clients notorious for saying Wait, I meant five!? Yes indeed! I'm going to turn this into an array, then insert it. Might need some help looping it into the table. :) I've only practiced with simple arrays, never really

Re: How to add images to my db the *right* way?

2005-01-11 Thread Will Tomlinson
I've decided to create a makeimageprimary field in the table. It'll be a y- n value. How would I loop through a 2d array insert into the table? I'm going to give this a shot shortly. Thanks so much Joe! Will let you know how it comes out. Will On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 15:21:59 -0400, Will Tomlinson

Re: How to add images to my db the *right* way?

2005-01-11 Thread Will Tomlinson
K dave, gotcha. Workin on it now. Thanks! ~| Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble Ticket application Message:

Re: How to add images to my db the *right* way?

2005-01-11 Thread Will Tomlinson
Got it mostly workin now fellas. Just workin on the outside to make sure my queries work ok. Thanks! Will ~| Find out how CFTicket can increase your company's customer support efficiency by 100%

Re: How to add images to my db the *right* way?

2005-01-12 Thread Will Tomlinson
Dude, I think I got it SPANKED!! What I've done here is a JOKE!! Just working now on the outside to make sure my queries and such will work. It all appears a ok! I only had time to work with uploading one image last night, but this evening I'm going to build an array of images and

Re: CF Hosting -

2005-01-13 Thread Will Tomlinson
People may not agree on here, but Crystal Tech does great by me. They also have a FREE Blackstone hosting plan right now. SQL server, etc.. Will ~| Purchase Studio MX from House of Fusion, a Macromedia Authorized Affiliate and

Joe - dave Arrays VS. Structures?

2005-01-13 Thread Will Tomlinson
I'm starting this thread to continue a discussion on file uploads, arrays, etc.. I'm reading some on Jeff Peters book, Lists, arrays, and structures, and I'd like to ask you guys what would be the best way to handle my form values, looping them into a table. Let's say I had this for a form.

Javascript two to force the first select FIRST

2005-01-13 Thread Will Tomlinson
Yeah, this is Will quetion day. heehee I'll try to make this short and to the point. I have two selects, available sizes and available colors. I'm submitting the form via onchange in the second select- colors. My question is: How can I FORCE them to select the first one before selecting

Re: Javascript two to force the first select FIRST

2005-01-13 Thread Will Tomlinson
Adrian, This is REAL close, I appreciate the help. It works and improves what I have, but could be better. Here's what happens. Some goofball selects the second select first, ALERT - please select a size. Now you select the size - it doesn't submit because of course, there's no onchange on

Re: Javascript two to force the first select FIRST

2005-01-13 Thread Will Tomlinson
SWEET GEORGIA BROWN!!! Works like a friggin champ! I appreciate it Adrian, now you need to go to bed!! :) Will ~| Find out how CFTicket can increase your company's customer support efficiency by 100%

Re: Blackstone: when?

2005-01-13 Thread Will Tomlinson
I don't know if this would help you at all, but it might be good to have a look at anyway. Will ~| Purchase Captivate from House of Fusion, a Macromedia Authorized Affiliate and support

Multiple INSERTS- one cfquery?

2005-01-13 Thread Will Tomlinson
On my clothing database, I have a situation where I have to delete from one FK table, then the PK table. I do it in one cfquery like so: cfquery datasource=#DSN# DELETE FROM dbo.tblavailablecolors WHERE prodID='#URL.ID#'; DELETE FROM dbo.tblproducts WHERE prodID='#URL.ID#' /cfquery I

Re: Multiple INSERTS- one cfquery?

2005-01-14 Thread Will Tomlinson
I hope you're cfparam'ing those queries ! :) Yes I've used them. But I've just started with stored procedures, so right now I'm only comfy building it the old amateur way, making it work, then converting everything to sp's. Once I have a good handle on them I'll build them from the start.

Re: Multiple INSERTS- one cfquery?

2005-01-14 Thread Will Tomlinson
thats my thinking as well will so if i have 1 product in 1 table then i dont have to do a looping delete as well but what do i know? I've figured out you HAVE to be signed up in the CF-Crackpipe list! I'M JOKING!! heeheh.. Thanks for your sugg's. :) Will

Re: Migrating from MySQL to SQL

2005-01-16 Thread Will Tomlinson
Hello, I've used both, and migrated most of my db's from MySQL to SQL Server. It's pretty simple I think. What I did was purchase the developer edition of SQL Server. It's only $50, and it comes full blown! Other than storied procedures

Re: Homesite

2005-01-17 Thread Will Tomlinson
I code using DWMX right now, and while I like the interface and the layout and the 'feel' of the product, I am VERY unhappy with the lag time when switching back and forth from DW to other programs. It is just downright annoying. And, yes, I have messed with all the settings that I could

Re: Hosting

2005-01-17 Thread Will Tomlinson
Once two cents Crystal Tech. Will ~| Find out how CFTicket can increase your company's customer support efficiency by 100% Message:

Stored procedure VS Views

2005-01-18 Thread Will Tomlinson
With everyone's help I'm pretty much wrapping up the functionality of my clothing app/SQL Server db. I was planning on converting much of my SELECT cfquerys to stored procedures, and started reading some about views. Is a view equal to a stored procedure in performance? Does it matter at all

Re: News about Macrmedia and it stock...

2005-01-20 Thread Will Tomlinson
DWMX still remains MM's best seller out of all of their products. Will P.S. I'm behaving!! ~| Logware: a new and convenient web-based time tracking application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with

How to make this query work

2005-01-22 Thread Will Tomlinson
I'm trying to run a search query on two tables. tblproductimages is a many table with a FK- prodmodelcode dropped from tblprodmodelcodes. So there can more than one image for a given model. How can I pare down the images to one image per model? Right now it comes back with too many results.

Re: How to make this query work

2005-01-22 Thread Will Tomlinson
I'm currently working with these examples to see if I can make it work. Thanks so much for your help! Will ~| Logware: a new and convenient web-based time tracking application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a

Re: How to make this query work

2005-01-22 Thread Will Tomlinson
I can't make it work right. I just ended up leaving out the images since I can make it work with a 1 table query. The problem is these can be the results for a particular search. Keep in mind, this is only the tblproductimages portion. It ADDS to the other table returns. 2000 graytshirt.jpg

Re: How to make this query work

2005-01-22 Thread Will Tomlinson
that goes back to the original part of this thread, this would be my problem too and why i would have done it like i originally stated, so much easier, i dont get it this way, so much more work, doesnt make sense to me It might be a 6 to one - half dozen to the other kinda thing.

Re: How to make this query work

2005-01-22 Thread Will Tomlinson
Are you saying the search works with or without the join to the images table? Ok. I have this working perfectly... minus the images. SELECT tblprodmodelcodes.prodmodelcode, tblprodmodelcodes.prodmodeltitle,tblprodmodelcodes.prodcategory, tblprodmodelcodes.prodsellprice FROM tblprodmodelcodes

Re: How to make this query work

2005-01-22 Thread Will Tomlinson
So you're searching in the title and description columns of a products table? Let me give this a shot. Might be tomorrow before I post the results as my eyes are weary right now. Thanks Ade, Will ~| Logware: a new and

Re: How to make this query work

2005-01-22 Thread Will Tomlinson
So you're searching in the title and description columns of a products table? Is the GROUP BY needed? I'm not sure it is at this stage. I do believe I need to still group it all. Results can come from multiple colors and sizes of a single model code. That would give way too many. By grouping

Re: How to make this query work

2005-01-22 Thread Will Tomlinson
That should pull back one image for each product. Dumb question time... How do I incorporate that cfourput query into the main output query? here's my cfoutput as it stands now without images. table width=100% align=left cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 tr class=style1 tdTitle/td

Re: How to make this query work

2005-01-22 Thread Will Tomlinson
THAT WORKED!! I GOT IT!! YES!! Thanks Ade!! No, I was mistaken in my thinking on what you were saying. For some reason I was thinking two queries and combining them. Here's my final query and here's where you can see it working. Search for test. SELECT

Thanks Adrian, your SQL works!

2005-01-22 Thread Will Tomlinson
THAT WORKED!! I GOT IT!! YES!! Thanks Ade!! I was mistaken in my thinking on what you were saying. For some reason I was thinking two queries and trying to combe them. Here's my final query and here's where you can see it working. Search for test. SELECT

CFUNITED? What's the deal??

2005-01-22 Thread Will Tomlinson
I'm not usually a cheapo, and I've spent A LOT of money on my favorite profession. But has anyone seen what CFFUN 05 has become? I went last year and it was pretty good. Listened to Forta, Liotta, lots of great speakers. As I remember, it was about $250. Here's the price setup for this year.

HoF did that...not me!

2005-01-22 Thread Will Tomlinson
I just posted ONE time...and I see 5 there now. No, I wasn't clicker happy! Well I was, but it was still HoF that did that!! :) Will ~| Logware: a new and convenient web-based time tracking application. Start tracking and

Re: CFUNITED? What's the deal??

2005-01-23 Thread Will Tomlinson
Well, since you've joined the .NET bus you wouldn't be interested in going anyway, right? Why don't you stop whining about ColdFusion and ColdFusion-related issues and crawl off into your Microsoft tent Will? I was told that I brought up some good valid points with my .NET post so there's no

Re: CFUNITED? What's the deal??

2005-01-23 Thread Will Tomlinson
One of the things that was mentioned on the .NET thread was that this is a list for CF users who have technical issues discuss. CF-Community is a perfect place to put messages, like this one, that concern CF but are not of a technical nature. If you post a message like this over there, you're

Re: CFUNITED? What's the deal??

2005-01-23 Thread Will Tomlinson
They've extended the programs, doubled up a number of the speakers, added a day and moved to a facility large enough to hold the number of people anticipated to attend. Points well taken! I'm looking at $400 then. Maybe I should write them and tell them to make the improvements to the

Re: CFUNITED? What's the deal??

2005-01-23 Thread Will Tomlinson
No, but you seem to just complain about ColdFusion and ColdFusion-related things. Instead of complaining that you can't afford a few hundred dollars to improve your skills (really?) you come out, guns blazing, implying the conference organizers are insane. I agree it looks like it's well

Re: .net will

2005-01-23 Thread Will Tomlinson
haha u knew it was comin have u ever been to your local cfug meetings? To be honest, No. I actually planned on going after CFFUN 04 because I was so pumped, then got busy with projects, and just haven't made the time to go. Hell, I'd even love to attend the Denver one and I'm in NC!! I

Re: CFUNITED? What's the deal??

2005-01-23 Thread Will Tomlinson
Heh, if you make it to CFUNITED I'll buy you a beer... Now we're talkin motivation!! Coors Light!hang onWhat about a long Island Tea? You good for it?? :) ~| Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and

Re: CFUNITED? What's the deal??

2005-01-23 Thread Will Tomlinson
I think the biggest thing that IRKED me about last year was they only gave Forta 45 minutes to speak! The man can talk about the subject of CF for 24 hours STRAIGHT! He got only 45 minutes? Better be longer this year.

CFQUERY --- Stored Procedure

2005-01-23 Thread Will Tomlinson
I'm converting most of my select queries to stored procedures and hit a snag with one of them. This cfquery works and gives me the desired results for the term peace: SELECT tblprodmodelcodes.prodmodelcode, tblprodmodelcodes.prodmodeltitle,tblprodmodelcodes.prodcategory,

Re: .net will

2005-01-23 Thread Will Tomlinson
im in the process of starting one where i am (northern colorado)(a combo cfm and flash) Where you at in N. Colorado? ~| Logware: a new and convenient web-based time tracking application. Start tracking and documenting

Re: .net will

2005-01-23 Thread Will Tomlinson
I can't seem to find and cfugs in my area. The sites are gone. I did find this site for CF groups, but there's no organizer of meetings, and hardly any memebers. Hmmm maybe I could organize this thing and get somethin' goin' round here! Will

Re: CFQUERY --- Stored Procedure

2005-01-24 Thread Will Tomlinson
The Proc is looking for a like within the string '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' - you will need to do the following: Excellent, that works perfectly, thanks! I just figured out full text searching last night, and think I'm going to create a catalog for this db and give it a shot. Thanks again for your

Re: .net will

2005-01-24 Thread Will Tomlinson
According to there are four MMUGs and one CFUG in North Carolina, including this Triangle Area CFUG run by Critter: Although it doesn't seem very active ;( Thanks for your help. Yep, I might just hafta light a fire under these

Re: WYSIWYG Rich Text Area Editor

2005-01-27 Thread Will Tomlinson
Am I the only one retarded enough to use TinyMCE? Why do I like it so much? Is something wrong with me? Just wondering... Will ~| Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking application. Start

Re: Lesson / Tutorial Websites

2005-01-27 Thread Will Tomlinson
I'm no advanced CF'er but learned it pretty quick with just a few books. In order of precedence 1. Anything with the name Forta on it! 2. CF certification developer study guide (actually was great for learning for me) 3. WACK Oh hang on...all those are Forta! oops! You read though them,

Re: WYSIWYG Rich Text Area Editor

2005-01-27 Thread Will Tomlinson
umm . yeah jk, lol, i do too so much easier to use then fck Up pops super dave to slam me! I'm shocked! :) Hey, how about shootin' me an email. We got some things to discuss! Will ~| Logware ( a new

Blackstone and XHTML

2005-01-27 Thread Will Tomlinson
Is Blackstone going to take care of this non XHTML compliant code CF writes for cfform? Everything is uppercase. I'm trying to make all my stuff XHTML compliant, and I like using cfform/validation because I'm extremely lazy! Will

Re: Blackstone and XHTML

2005-01-28 Thread Will Tomlinson
With no other code, this produces: Ahh. That'll be nice! Thanks Will ~| Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking application. Start

Re: better way to code?

2005-01-28 Thread Will Tomlinson
More correct, not really. CFCASE, as any case construct in any language, is not any better than a simple IF ... ELSE IMHO, CASE constructs can be better for three cases or more. It's good to keep in mind that CFSWITCH/CFCASE tests for multiple values of the same expression, CFIF/CFELSEIF

Re: Creating a MS SQL 2000 Table

2005-01-29 Thread Will Tomlinson
I know I'm no expert programmer guy or anything, but why not just use enterprise manager? I can do it faster than the sql way. Will ~| Find out how CFTicket can increase your company's customer support efficiency by 100%

Re: Creating a MS SQL 2000 Table

2005-01-29 Thread Will Tomlinson
All this programming stuff doesn't come natural for me I think. And I think that's why I use CF so much, it makes me feel very comfortable with what I'm doing, no matter WHAT it is. When I used MySQL for my db's, I used Navicat. When I switched to SQL Server, I use Ent. Manager. If you were

Re: redirect opinions

2005-01-29 Thread Will Tomlinson
Dunno if I'm doing this exactly right, but it seems to work fine. This is the index.cfm of my site root. I just rout'em wherever I like. I HAVE noticed they aren't spidered. cfif SERVER_NAME CONTAINS or SERVER_NAME CONTAINS cflocation

Re: Creating a MS SQL 2000 Table

2005-01-29 Thread Will Tomlinson
Will, I tend to use EM 90% of the time, and use it to generate create scripts for deployment purposes. Coming from someone like yourself, that definitely makes me feel a little less dense! The one thing I tend to _not_ use it for is creation of constraints - having constraints get named

Image popup UDF

2005-01-30 Thread Will Tomlinson
I got tired of linking to an original image via target =_blank to enlarge the view. There's no control over it. So I built a variation of Nate's popup window UDF from WACK. Here's what I've come up with, maybe someone has some improvements? Would a custom tag be better for this? There are

Re: Image popup UDF

2005-01-30 Thread Will Tomlinson
Will, do you have Dreamweaver MX? Yes Joe, that's pretty much all I use. I hope you're not gonna tell me it already does something like this?? LoL Will ~| Find out how CFTicket can increase your company's customer support

Exactly *how* smart are we?

2004-08-22 Thread Will Tomlinson
I follow most of these discussions on CF, and it's obvious there are some extremely intelligent people here. I'd like to invite everyone to visit the International High IQ Society Website so we can find out where everyone stands intellectually. It would be interesting to see where Forta,

Re: Exactly *how* smart are we?

2004-08-22 Thread Will Tomlinson
Good thing pasting links in a message wasn't one of the questions eh? I follow most of these discussions on CF, and it's obvious there are some extremely intelligent people here. I'd like to invite everyone to visit the

Re: Exactly *how* smart are we?

2004-08-22 Thread Will Tomlinson
Do we need to revoke all those CF Certifications? i didnt want in anyway!! STUPID Standardized testing. Yuck. This is one of the things that's horribly wrong with the educational system here as well, IMHO. -- Les Mizzell --- A vanta as

Re: Exactly *how* smart are we?

2004-08-22 Thread Will Tomlinson
It would be interesting to see where Forta, Liotta, and the other big guns stand, would it not? Maybe, for the sake of entertainment, but what makes you suppose that knowledge or even mastery of CF requires high intelligence? One of the benefits of CF is its ease of use, after all. I planned

Re: Exactly *how* smart are we?

2004-08-23 Thread Will Tomlinson
It would've been easier asking Bruce Lee to enter a karate tournament, or asking Einstein to enter a spelling bee! Sheeesh! [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings] [Donations and Support]

tightening up my cart code

2005-05-25 Thread Will Tomlinson
On my shopping cart app, I've gotten through the payment processing part and now I'm entering the data into two tables. I'm using Nate's example from WACK. Does anyone have any suggestions on improving this code? It works but I want to improve it, and I've never used cftransaction before. In

RE: tightening up my cart code

2005-05-25 Thread Will Tomlinson
On my shopping cart app, I've gotten through the payment Since the CFHTTP tag isn't shown here, I presume you're executing it before the CFTRANSACTION even starts. In that case, why not just skip the transaction if you get a declined or error response? Correct dave, and that's what I was

How to make my checkbox insert values

2005-05-26 Thread Will Tomlinson
In my cart app there's the billing/shipping info page. I'm using cfform. Is there a way to make my use billing info for ship to info checkbox automatically insert the values that were entered in the billing part into the ship to cfinputs? Thanks, Will

Re: How to make my checkbox insert values

2005-05-27 Thread Will Tomlinson
Thanks for the responses. To answer some of these questions, I'm using a html cfform. And this functionality is mainly for aesthetics. I was on a site yesterday and when you checked their box it filled in the ship to inputs. I was like, cool! Whether it fills in the inputs or not, I'm using

Figured out the billingshipping population - here it is

2005-05-28 Thread Will Tomlinson
K guys, thanks for your help. This is my working JS code for auto-populating the ship to inputs. If you see anything that can be improved let me know. Thanks, Will InvalidTag type=text/javascript language=javascript // function to copy billing address to shipping address function

RE: Figured out the billingshipping population - here it is

2005-05-28 Thread Will Tomlinson
Excellent Ade! Works like a champ... Thanks much again, Will ~| Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a client with

Counting user sessions with App.cfc?

2005-05-28 Thread Will Tomlinson
What's the best way to count current users online, using the new Application.cfc methods? Thanks, Will ~| Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking application. Start tracking and documenting hours

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