Re: cfset ?

2005-02-04 Thread Will Tomlinson
This all translates to tens of thousands of extra keystrokes for me. And being the lazy coder that I am, I'll deem them unecessary! :) Will ~| Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking

Re: Coldfusion VS ASP.NET use

2005-02-04 Thread Will Tomlinson
I'm gonna be a good boy and stay out of this one! :) Will ~| Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a client with

Re: cfset ?

2005-02-04 Thread Will Tomlinson
No no no!! I was a bit vague with my response there I guess. I AM coding everything xhtml, except those DAMN cfforms are still screwing me!! Friggin FORM in uppercase! Who's the idget that did that anyway?? In speaking of extra keystrokes, I'm talkin about cfset blah=blah / That's useless

Re: [SOT] Supporting multiple browsers and versions

2005-02-05 Thread Will Tomlinson
My two cents... I develop with Firefox and its validator extension, then fiddle with this and that for IE. Everyone should use Firefox for their browsing and I recommend it to most of my clients. Side note: I also like Thunderbird for email. It's proven to be preety nifty so far for me.

WEIRD error causing cfadmin to not work

2005-02-05 Thread Will Tomlinson
A while back I got my new computer, Godzilla, XP, SP2, installed cf and it was fine until I installed the updater. After that I couldn't login to cfadmin, got an error. I uninstalled CF (that was fun!), reinstalled with no updater and it all worked fine again. I just now logged in to add a

Re: WEIRD error causing cfadmin to not work

2005-02-05 Thread Will Tomlinson
No CF updater currently. It's weird man, it was all working and I added a DSN for the clothing site a month or so ago, but haven't been in there since. Now it's broken again! coldfusion.tagext.lang.SettingTag.setRequestTimeout(J)V Only on DSN admin page, and settings summary page.

Re: WEIRD error causing cfadmin to not work

2005-02-05 Thread Will Tomlinson
I already tried restarting cf, rebooting, everything. No go. ~| Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a client with

Re: WEIRD error causing cfadmin to not work

2005-02-05 Thread Will Tomlinson
Yep, everything cleared out. Still erroring. El Bizarro! Gotta be this damn XP/SP2! ~| Find out how CFTicket can increase your company's customer support efficiency by 100%

Re: CF Development cost vs PHP, JSP. etc. was; Re: CFMX 7 feature breakdown

2005-02-08 Thread Will Tomlinson
even .net will is pushing cfm over .net in his school and thats were it should be as well. One class puts what 20-30 ppl into the world, even if they are in graphics they learn something, usually php. Exactly! And I'll be giving another lecture on shopping carts and how they work. What

Ben, I need new CF books!

2005-02-08 Thread Will Tomlinson
I think we'd all like to see those Forta cfmx7 books roll off the shelves. Yeah I'm using the help documents, and reading online what I can, but I enjoy reading my Forta bestsellers in bed, late into the night, and on the throne early in the morn. When shall they flow out Ben? It's not like

Re: CF Development cost vs PHP, JSP. etc. was; Re: CFMX 7 feature breakdown

2005-02-08 Thread Will Tomlinson
It was tough for me to read as well, but you get used to it after a while...maybe a few years :) ~| Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble Ticket application

Re: CFMX 7 feature breakdown

2005-02-09 Thread Will Tomlinson
My two cents I just think dave is wrong as usual! And he needs help spelling! :) will ~| Find out how CFTicket can increase your company's customer support efficiency by 100%

lost session variable? why?

2005-02-10 Thread Will Tomlinson
I installed and have been playing with CFX_SPELL for the first time. Last night it was working great, then today I tried it and got an error where the session variable wasn't defined. It's like it wouldn't cfset it even though it WAS being set. So just using some guesswork, I changed the

Re: Flex

2005-02-12 Thread Will Tomlinson
Mike D! Install CFX_SPELL on HoF! dave is killing me here! :) ~| Find out how CFTicket can increase your company's customer support efficiency by 100% Message:

Why would Firefox cause CF to error??

2005-02-13 Thread Will Tomlinson
Runnin' into a strange problem here I haven't encountered before. Just switched to CFMX 7, shared hosting, using Firefox. Ok, view my site in Firefox, leave sit for a while, refresh or come back to the site and it errors like the session timed out. I've never seen it do this before, and

Re: Why would Firefox cause CF to error??

2005-02-13 Thread Will Tomlinson
Just tried something. I closed Firefox, reopened and no error. Is something not set right in CFADMIN? or am I going crazy here? Will ~| Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking application. Start

Re: Why would Firefox cause CF to error??

2005-02-13 Thread Will Tomlinson
Ok, the site errored on IE also. ~| Find out how CFTicket can increase your company's customer support efficiency by 100% Message:

Re: Why would Firefox cause CF to error??

2005-02-13 Thread Will Tomlinson
Check into JSESSIONID this caused me some headaches. I see a cookie being set named jsessionid, and that's fine, but what am I to do about it? I need session variables enabled in this app for different things. I'll be using an error template, but that'd be stupid for THIS. Maybe in an admin

Re: Why would Firefox cause CF to error??

2005-02-13 Thread Will Tomlinson
When using session variables within a Macromedia ColdFusion MX 6.1 application, the following error may occur if J2EE session management is enabled in the ColdFusion Administrator: Ahh!! Thank you! Just emailed CT about the problem so they can fix the settings!! Will

Re: Why would Firefox cause CF to error??

2005-02-13 Thread Will Tomlinson
CT told me they wouldn't change anything for me, and pointed me to their knowledge base article on this. Subject: Why am I getting the error Session is invalid? Article #791 Because of the amount of memory that they use up, the ColdFusion session variable timeout limit is set to 30 minutes on

Re: Why would Firefox cause CF to error??

2005-02-13 Thread Will Tomlinson
maybe its just user error ;) haha you sure are having troubles with crystal tech, you may wanna concider hms! nah...No host is gonna be perfect. If I went with MHS there'd be SOME issue here and there. CT is very reliable, just little things every now and then. What do you know anyway

Re: Why would Firefox cause CF to error??

2005-02-13 Thread Will Tomlinson
Are you setting the session timeout in your app longer than 30 minutes? I didn't set the timeout at all, so it'll be defaulting at 30, which is what they SAY it's set at. I'll bet you're right about the J2EE's being set at 20. I just shot off an email to them letting them know they need to

Re: Why would Firefox cause CF to error??

2005-02-13 Thread Will Tomlinson
I have used many different hosts over the years and HostMySite blows everyone out of the water. They might not be the cheapest but they come close and their service is FANTASTIC. Well because it isn't dave telling me about HMS, I'll look into them some more. I just have so much tied up in CT

Re: Why would Firefox cause CF to error??

2005-02-14 Thread Will Tomlinson
Here's what CT replied with. It doesn't make sense, if I hadn't set sessiontimeout in app.cfm. Wouldn't it've defaulted to 30? Thanks, Will Will, This is not the case. I have checked in the web.xml file on your web server, and the timeout is indeed set to 30. Please contact us again if

What do you use for project management?

2005-02-14 Thread Will Tomlinson
Just wanted to get an idea of what tools everyone use for project management. I've been looking at Traxtime for managing labor costs. Thanks, Will ~| Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking

Re: What do you use for project management?

2005-02-15 Thread Will Tomlinson
These are all interesting! I just don't have time to build something for this, too much time wasted WORKING ON projects. :) I was expecting dave to roll in and propose using little yellow stickit notes like he uses. :) Thanks for all the responses, this gives me a better idea of what most

Re: WDDX Future

2005-02-17 Thread Will Tomlinson
1) Are you using WDDX? No, I know how it works, but haven't needed it for anything yet. 2) If so, how are you using it, which languages (and versions) are you using it with (CF, JS, PHP, et al.)? 3) Are you limited by the current version of the WDDX SDK? 4) If so, what features would you

Re: Looking for a good web based html editor

2005-02-17 Thread Will Tomlinson
I agree with James. TinyMCE is nice! Easy to install and use. Will ~| Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a

Re: Why would Firefox cause CF to error??

2005-02-17 Thread Will Tomlinson
Has anyone heard any more about this Session is Invalid issue? I last heard from CT support two days ago, and nothing since... and I am still having the problem. james, they emailed me back and said they checked the config file and it was set to 30. Mine seems to be working fine now. Will

MySQL charging hard?

2005-02-17 Thread Will Tomlinson
What does everyone think about this? I used MySQL until I started using SP's. Then I HAD to go with SQL Server for my needs. What will this mean for the db market?;jsessionid=KNGJNLFGHQAMAQSNDBGCKHSCJUMEKJVN?articleId=60401366 Will

Re: MySQL charging hard?

2005-02-17 Thread Will Tomlinson
yeah, I had a blast with MySQL back when I used it. It's pretty much what I learned on, and worked really well! Cheated with Navicat, so that made things much more pleasant as well. I like my GUI's! Is that such a bad thing? Will

Re: Plum vs Adalon?

2005-02-17 Thread Will Tomlinson
Damn, I made the mistake of reading this one from the bottom up! I messed with FB a little, and it messed my mind up. Went back to my simple, basic architecture and felt much better. ~| Logware ( a new and

Re: Zip code radius database?

2005-02-18 Thread Will Tomlinson
I got all this workin right here! It's pretty brainless if you ask me! THE GAAAME! ~| Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking

HoF is slowwwwww

2005-02-18 Thread Will Tomlinson
I'm sorry to be bitching...but HoF is slowww! Maybe I've had too many long islands tonight, but it just is slow! I click and waitwait...wait.wait. Sorry Mike D. It's slow... Will ~| Logware

Re: Zip code radius database?

2005-02-18 Thread Will Tomlinson
dang it must be then HAHA jk willy check this out, one of the girls u like (sorry its kinda big outside of a page) That is NICE dudE! VERY NICE!! I like that!

Re: Flash Remoting remains as elusive as ever

2005-02-18 Thread Will Tomlinson
whoo hoo!!! now you got the bug :) HEll, I'm dowloadin thus sumbitch now! Woo! ~| Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking application. Start tracking and documenting hours

Re: Looking for a good web based html editor

2005-02-19 Thread Will Tomlinson
As stated previously, I don't like the name! I like not having to curse when talking about my editors! :) Will ~| Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking application. Start tracking and


2005-02-19 Thread Will Tomlinson
I'm messing with this cfgrid tag and have it kind of working. But when you click update, it doesn't update anything. Wondering if it has something to do with the primary key not being sent through or something. Any ideas? cfquery name=getmyevents datasource=#DSN# SELECT * FROM dbo.tblevents

Re: CFGRID woes

2005-02-19 Thread Will Tomlinson
I had fixed that after I posted, still doesn't work. hmmm...I'm missing *something*. Will ~| Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a

Re: CFGRID woes

2005-02-19 Thread Will Tomlinson
let me splain a few things here since some of us seem a little confused by me and what I've said in the past. 1. I'm following the example in MM live docs. 2. I doubt I know 10% of what most of you guys know (except dave). 3. I've only been programming for 2 years now. 4. I call myself

Re: CFGRID woes

2005-02-19 Thread Will Tomlinson
Mike! Oh hell! It works now! That took care of it. Cool, thanks! THE GAAAME! ~| Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a

Re: cfeclipse ? rob

2005-02-19 Thread Will Tomlinson
yeah you are right, after I wrote that I went back in and it worked but it didnt the first time. You're a complete RETARD!! ~| Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking application. Start

Re: cfloop vs cfoutput mx 6.1 / 7

2005-02-20 Thread Will Tomlinson
Can anyone tell me if there is a performance difference in the following 2 bits of code? I know back in 4.5 cfloop was worse than cfoutput but now? Any web references to tests on these things welcome! This is Forta on the subject. It's pre 6.1/7, but I'll bet it's the same.

Good article DWMX. Phewww...I'm not so crazy after all

2005-02-20 Thread Will Tomlinson
I remember some of these tool debates on what we use to build our projects, and the discussions on dw VS homesite VS plum, etc...etc.. Not trying to get anyone in trouble here, I just thought this was a REALLY interesting article from Forta. It was a great sanity check for me!

Re: Good article DWMX. Phewww...I'm not so crazy after all

2005-02-20 Thread Will Tomlinson
It's kinda old news... over a year old... Old, but I missed it. Was beginning to wonder If I was the only one awake workin' this mornin'! ~| Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking

Re: CFMX 7 Session is Invalid error

2005-02-21 Thread Will Tomlinson
ok, Mike from CrystalTech just posted about the timeout settings. The settings in CF administrator are set to the default timeouts: Maximum Session variable Timeout - 2 days Default Session variable Timeout - 20 minutes Application timeouts are 2 days for both Max and default.

Re: Will Tomlinson (or anyone else for that matter)...

2005-02-22 Thread Will Tomlinson
... did you get the 'Session is invalid' problem sorted on CrystalTech? I just got the error myself and HoF is not letting me on to search the archives. Here's what they're saying in CT forum. It turns out the session issue is a bug, just as the issues noted regarding flash remoting. The

Re: Will Tomlinson (or anyone else for that matter)...

2005-02-23 Thread Will Tomlinson
They say they got the remoting issue solved with some help from MM. It was a line commented out by default? hmmm I got a fresh session invalid error tonight. I've almost gotten used to seeing them. This site is supposed to launch march 1st and I don't need this crap right now. I have

Re: Invalid session error WAS Will Tomlinson (or anyone else for that matter)...

2005-02-24 Thread Will Tomlinson
ade, I think you should have your timeout set at 20, not 30. Don't know if that'll help but I *think* their default timeout is 20. It's hard keeping track since I've gotten 4 different responses from them on the topic. :) HTH, Will (THE GAME)

Re: Invalid session error WAS Will Tomlinson (or anyone else for that matter)...

2005-02-24 Thread Will Tomlinson
How was the seminar? What all did they talk about. Did they teach typing as well? THE GAME! ~| Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on

Re: SUCCESS!!! I have CF7 going!!! Oh! the relief!

2005-02-26 Thread Will Tomlinson
Congrats! I had an interesting install myself, but with 6.1 and xp pro. Ended up uninstalling the whole thing (that was fun!) and reinstalling mx by itself. Then it broke again after a few weeks (won't go into all the gory details(ok, I will. I couldn't manahe my DSN's anymore.:)), until I

CT still doesn't have sessions fixed!

2005-02-27 Thread Will Tomlinson
Ok guys, we're still having major problems at CrystalTech. They have a MM team member helping with the issue, but it seems like we get 3-4 different stories. I kinda agree with Sean that something isn't configured properly which is allowing the JRUN session to timeout before CF. They say

Re: CT still doesn't have sessions fixed!

2005-02-27 Thread Will Tomlinson
Ade, I tried using that and it worked the first time, but then errored afterwards. I figured I had an error on the second app name, but there was no third app name to catch it with. lol! Guess nesting more and more app names would solve it? Thanks, Will

Re: CT still doesn't have sessions fixed!

2005-02-27 Thread Will Tomlinson
Try leaving the browser the first time for 31 minutes. When you refresh, the error will be caught and it'll use your 2nd app name. Then leave THAT one for 31 minutes, you should get an error with that one. Also, I wouldn't use client variables for a while with CT. email me and I'll give more

Re: CT still doesn't have sessions fixed!

2005-02-27 Thread Will Tomlinson
So from that I'd guess that if my timeout is 30 and the JRun timeout is 40, yeah, but they're saying they have JRUN set at 30 I believe, which SHOULD be correct. ~| Find out how CFTicket can increase your company's customer

Re: guide to upgrading 6.1 to 7

2005-02-28 Thread Will Tomlinson
Bert, We made sure that CFMX 6.1 and CFMX 7 could be installed side-by-side. I have mine running side-by-side with no problemswell there was ONE problem. Maybe someone could enlighten me. DWMX was mixed up or something. No matter what I did, it kept wanting to go to the old wwwroot for

Re: qRE: Anyone used these tools?

2005-03-11 Thread Will Tomlinson
I think this commentary is very much on-topic, unless you want to move all discussion of CSS, Javascript, SQL, IIS, Apache, etc. to cf-community? If it comes to that, the forum will lose a lot of value. I second that! It seems the most valuable threads are the ones where people whine about

Adding Javascript popup window bg color?

2005-03-11 Thread Will Tomlinson
How would I set the background color of my JS popup window? Right now it's default white and I need black. Thanks, Will a href=#fullimagepath#'#LinkFolder#/#ARGUMENTS.ImageName#','wcspopup','#Features#'); popupWin.focus(); return false;

Re: Adding Javascript popup window bg color?

2005-03-11 Thread Will Tomlinson
perhaps you want to do it via the window properties like width/heightresizable etc. ?? Bryan, yes I'd like to do it with the properties, but I can't figure out how to do it. I'm using a udf to make an image clickable the view the larger one like this: #ImagePopup(imagename, small_,

Re: Adding Javascript popup window bg color?

2005-03-11 Thread Will Tomlinson
I'm workin on this, will let you know what I come up with Thanks! Will ~| Find out how CFTicket can increase your company's customer support efficiency by 100%

Re: Adding Javascript popup window bg color?

2005-03-11 Thread Will Tomlinson
I got it guys! No time to post the code right now but will in a little while. It's kinduva combination of what you all said. Thanks, Will ~| Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking application.

Re: sot: Live Docs 7 Javascript error

2005-03-12 Thread Will Tomlinson
No error on my end. Will ~| Find out how CFTicket can increase your company's customer support efficiency by 100% Message:

Re: GRRRR Dreamweaver broke my client's web site

2005-03-13 Thread Will Tomlinson
Well my recommendation is DONT use dreamweaver's library functionality either!!! I haven't used libraries but HAVE run into strange template issues before. So I just use SSI's for everything. They're so much easier to maintain as well. Will

Making my form not screw up my table, yet validate?

2005-03-13 Thread Will Tomlinson
This is in Firebox. If I try to place a form inside a td, it messes up the formatting a bit. There's extra padding below and it throws things off. td width=488 align=center cfform action=search.cfm method=post id=searchform cfinput name=search type=text size=15

Re: Making my form not screw up my table, yet validate?

2005-03-13 Thread Will Tomlinson
Will... what is your desired display within the TD element... how do you want it to display and still validate? Tim, here's the page: The form in question is the search form right below the top banner. Right now the form tags are outside the td's, and all looks

Re: Making my form not screw up my table, yet validate?

2005-03-13 Thread Will Tomlinson
yes! clinchin fist That worked! Try adding a style=display: inline; to your cfform tag. I believe that by default it displays as a block level element. I added that, the padding is gone, and no error! man that was buggin the hell outa me! Thanks to all for

Re: GRRRR Dreamweaver broke my client's web site

2005-03-13 Thread Will Tomlinson
I'll actually go one further. I'm no DW exeprt by any means, but why anyone would use templates and libraries makes no sense when you could just use SSI's. Not saying anything about Mike's judgement, just making a statement about DW here. Why would I use them when I can use a SSI, change it

E-commerce - Make them register or don't make them register

2005-03-14 Thread Will Tomlinson
Ok guys, I just read in my Internet Retailer about how teen shoppers do NOT want to register before shopping online. This plays right into my plan on the Volleyball site as teen shoppers *are* my target audience. My client and myself did not want to force them to register. Some argue that

Re: E-commerce - Make them register or don't make them register

2005-03-14 Thread Will Tomlinson
I've always thought, Remove ALL obstacles. Registering is an obstacle in my mind. You are setting up a hurdle in front of the customer. Why do that? Why not remove all hurdles? If I want to browse, toy with the idea of buying a product from a site that makes me register, when I click

Re: E-commerce - Make them register or don't make them register

2005-03-15 Thread Will Tomlinson
They've spent millions doing research on it - it can't be all bad... I know I wouldn't like to run a 2.39 billion dollar deficit with *my* site. So they sold millions of Harry Potter books to help out in 2004, overall Amazon still wouldn't be considered a success. Maybe even THEY have areas of

Re: What to do - stagnant job

2005-03-15 Thread Will Tomlinson
Thought about working on any personal projects? I usually fill time with those. Brainstorming my next big idea. :) Will ~| Find out how CFTicket can increase your company's customer support efficiency by 100%

Quick, how much is CF

2005-03-17 Thread Will Tomlinson
Ok, I know I could go find this on MM, but I don't have time to dig around their site right now. I have a prospective client that wants an app to collect CC#'s. That's IT! But he wants it on his own IIS server. When we talked bout the prospects of installing cf and it was gonna COST

Re: Hosting for SEMI dedicated

2005-03-18 Thread Will Tomlinson
AHP has some VPS server deals for CF-Talk readers: They actually provide the bandwidth for House of Fusion/Fusion Authority and some of my new stuff is going up on one of their VPS servers. Mike, please move this to cf-community as it is

Re: GoDaddy

2007-06-05 Thread Will Tomlinson
Just for *hits'n'giggles I setup a CF godaddy account about a year ago. Even with removing the createObject() from the equation, I think godaddy is terrible! They have a sucky website, sucky control panel, sucky support, sucky everything. Except the price. Will

Re: Do not set blank cookies with cfcookie

2007-06-06 Thread Will Tomlinson
Wow, that's an old technote. I like the coding style: CFIF #Cookie.MyCookieName# is Empty Do somethingCFELSE Do something else/CFIF ALL CAPS coldfusion tags... unnecessary use of # signs... Hmm... that looks kinda like dave's code.

Re: Do not set blank cookies with cfcookie

2007-06-06 Thread Will Tomlinson
Wow, that's an old technote. I like the coding style: CFIF #Cookie.MyCookieName# is Empty Do somethingCFELSE Do something else/CFIF ALL CAPS coldfusion tags... unnecessary use of # signs... Hmm... that looks kinda like dave's code.

Re: Form Encryption

2007-06-07 Thread Will Tomlinson
Very good points across the board. Technically, I do not need to store the credit card info in the db. However I do need to securely send/pass/or make available the credit card info to the receiving company. Maybe there is a better method to do so. I've found that after a transaction is

What's best for hierchial data display

2007-06-07 Thread Will Tomlinson
I have division data that has multiple depts, that have multiple programs, all as a hierarchy of data. After I run my query, what's the best way to display them so it shows the hierarchy? I'm looking at cftree but don't know if that's what I'm looking for. Thanks, Will

Re: What's best for hierchial data display

2007-06-07 Thread Will Tomlinson
hey everyone.. .nevermind. like the damsel in distress that I am, charlie griefer came to my rescue once again. :) Will ~| ColdFusion MX7 and Flex 2 Build sales marketing dashboard RIA’s for your business. Upgrade now

Re: Anyone with jExcel experience?

2007-06-08 Thread Will Tomlinson
Have you seen Ben Nadel's POI Utility? It's pretty awesome, makes CF/excel almost effortless. Will ~| ColdFusion MX7 by Adobe® Dyncamically transform webcontent into Adobe

What's wrong with these related selects?

2007-06-09 Thread Will Tomlinson
I'm using qforms to build related select menus. I have it working, except the last dropdown isn't populating. Go to: Choose Business Tech. Information Tech. That should populate the last dropdown with some items. You can view the source to see

Re: What's wrong with these related selects?

2007-06-09 Thread Will Tomlinson
Here's my cfoutput that's populating the js struct. cfoutput query=get7OrgTiers group=orgtier7id stcTiers[#orgtier7code#] = new Object(); cfoutput group=orgtier6id stcTiers[#orgtier7code#][#orgtier6code#] = #orgtier6title#; /cfoutput

Re: What's wrong with these related selects?

2007-06-09 Thread Will Tomlinson
How are you calling this API? It's just initialized in the head. SCRIPT SRC=../lib/qforms.js/SCRIPT Will ~| ColdFusion MX7 and Flex 2 Build sales marketing dashboard RIA’s for your business. Upgrade now

Re: What's wrong with these related selects?

2007-06-10 Thread Will Tomlinson
I figured it out. The grouped outputs are pretty tricky so it wasn't populating the struct right. I got it tho. Thanks, Will ~| Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7 The most significant release in over 10 years. Upgrade see new

Performance advantage - LIMIT VS. maxrows?

2007-06-11 Thread Will Tomlinson
MX7 / MySQL 5. I need to query a large table of data, but only want to pull the top 10 rows or so. Is there an advantage to using LIMIT 10 in the query, over cfquery maxrows=10? Or vice versa? Thanks, Will ~| Create Web

qForms - How to maintain selections?

2007-06-11 Thread Will Tomlinson
I've screwed with this for a few hours now and can't figure out howta maintain the selections in my form, after the form is submitted. Select test eval 1 in the top dropdown. Then choose Business technologies Business Administration ITN. Click view report. I can't get the form to save the

Re: qForms - How to maintain selections?

2007-06-11 Thread Will Tomlinson
Oops, here's the link: Thanks, Will ~| Macromedia ColdFusion MX7 Upgrade to MX7 experience time-saving features, more productivity.

Re: qForms - How to maintain selections?

2007-06-11 Thread Will Tomlinson
Better yet, put it in the init() function. FYI - Used Firebug to add the following HTML code right after the View Report button: Thanks for helpin' me with this Dan. I'm trying to setDefault() in the init(). It still doesn't seem to work. I know I'm not doin' somethin' right here. This is the

Re: qForms - How to maintain selections?

2007-06-11 Thread Will Tomlinson
Dan, I tried that, but it still wouldn't work. Here's what I did that seems to work. I was guessing that because you setDefault() in the init() code, the actual setDefault() hasn't run yet? And those variables aren't there to poulate the selects. So I stuck setDefault() in the code that

Re: qForms - How to maintain selections?

2007-06-11 Thread Will Tomlinson
Dan, There is one little problem I'm having. I need there to be an All selection in each dropdown. If the first dropdown has All selected, the rest of the dropdowns should default to All. The problem is, if you make a few selections, submit the form, then try and set them back to All, there's

What's the easiest way to do this?

2007-06-11 Thread Will Tomlinson
I have a form that uses qForms for 7 dynamic select menus. There's one other dataset/filter I need to add, but it isn't directly connected with the data in the related menus. I can query this data and filter it using the related selects, but I only know how to do it the old fashioned way -

Re: What's the easiest way to do this?

2007-06-12 Thread Will Tomlinson
As I use mxAjax, I'd use the mxData component to run a CFC method that returns values based on those dropdowns; then I'd write the new data into the last dropdown (perhaps with the DOM or with innerHTML). Thanks james. I'll investigate this. Will

Re: What's the easiest way to do this?

2007-06-12 Thread Will Tomlinson
James, Will this work if I have multiple form fields that need to be passed to the cfc? What's mixing me up is the source attribute. Here's what I'm passing. 3 items, from 3 formfields. !--- Start ajaxcfc call --- cfoutput script type='text/javascript'

Re: What's the easiest way to do this?

2007-06-12 Thread Will Tomlinson
Thanks a ton james! Let me ask you something. I've spent quite a bit of time integrating qForms into this page to get the organization dropdowns talkin' to one another. It all works perfectly. Choose test eval 1 in the eval dropdown. Then

Re: What's the easiest way to do this?

2007-06-12 Thread Will Tomlinson
Yes, that should work fine with mxAjax (or any of the other choices you have). It can even be triggered in the onChange on the tier5 box, just like the qforms scripts are triggered on the others. oops, I meant mxAjax. I've been lookin' at so many the last day or so I can't keep'em straight. :)

Re: What's the easiest way to do this?

2007-06-12 Thread Will Tomlinson
Yes, this is a task well suited to AJAX. Perhaps look at AjaxCFC (the JQuery version) or mxAjax so that you get an integrated CF solution out of the box. I'm hijackin' code from yer blog right now. Gonna try and make this work. I'll keep ya posted.

Re: What's the easiest way to do this?

2007-06-12 Thread Will Tomlinson
Ok James, I'm gettin close! I have it runnin the query when the page loads, which is of course not what I want. But this tells me things are workin. I've modified the example on your blog. Now, I'm REAL slow when it comes to JS, so bear with me here. Here's my JS call: script

Ajax - beating head on wall...

2007-06-12 Thread Will Tomlinson Select test eval 1. When the page reloads you'll see mxAjax load up the course dropdown below the organizational dropdowns. Change the Division drop down to some other value. it doesn't do anything. I can't figure out how to fire off the ajax

Re: cfabort triggering onError function in Application.cfc

2007-06-12 Thread Will Tomlinson
I'm trying to catch errors and display them in a prettier way on one of my applications. However part of the login script I use has a cfabort tag in it to stop processing until the user is authenticated. Since I implemented the onError function in my Application.cfc the cfabort seems to be

Re: Ajax - beating head on wall...

2007-06-12 Thread Will Tomlinson
cause its over your shiny head!! haha Dang, I was hopin you weren't trollin' round. lol! I've actually about got it. Just needta figure this last part out. ~| ColdFusion 8 beta – Build next generation applications today.

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