Display PDF on page with other data

2008-12-01 Thread Kevin Stone
Is it possible to display a PDF document on a page with a bunch of input 
I have only been able to display a pdf on a page by itself using cfheader and 
cfcontent but now want to display it in a frame/div on the bottom of another 
page.  Anybody know how to do this?


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Re: Display PDF on page with other data

2008-12-01 Thread Kevin Stone
Works like a champ.  I was so caught up in doing it with CF tags that I didn't 
even think about the iframe.  THanks. 

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Re: cfhttp and Google Search Appliance

2008-08-28 Thread Kevin Stone
Dave, thanks for your help but I finally got it to work.  Just in case you are 

!--- Expects URL.command   ---
!---   Export_Config   ---
!---   Import_Config Filename  ---
!---   Add_Collection CollectionID CollectionName? ---
!---   Delete_Collection CollectionID  ---

!--- Function to check HTTP response for errors and print debug ---
cffunction name=checkHttpStruct returnType=boolean
 cfargument name=httpStruct type=Struct required=yes
 cfargument name=stage type=String required=yes

 cfif LEN(httpStruct.errorDetail) GT 0
  cfdump var=#httpStruct.errorDetail# label=#stage# ErrorBR
  cfreturn true
 cfdump var=#httpStruct# label=#stage# ResponseBR
 cfreturn false

!--- Initialize ---
cfset Variables.error = False
cfset Variables.googleWelcome = Google Mini gt; Home
cfset Variables.adminUser = admin
cfset Variables.adminPwd = blahblah !--- TBD HARDCODE get from db ---
cfset Variables.googleIP = !--- TBD HARDCODE Application.cfm 

!--- Set the URL for the google admin console ---
cfset Variables.url = http://#Variables.googleIP#:8000/EnterpriseController;

!--- Send initial request to google.  This is just to get a response ---
cfhttp method=GET url=#Variables.url# 
cfset Variables.error = checkHttpStruct(CFHTTP, Initial Request)

cfif NOT Variables.error
 !--- Get the cookie from the response object. This is the cookie that ---
 !--- we are going to echo back in subsequent CFHttp requests. ---
 !--- The google cookie will look like:  S=enterprise=;---
 !---  where  is a unique key  ---
 cfset Variables.googleCookie = 

 !--- Try to login ---
 cfhttp method=POST url=#Variables.url# useragent=#CGI.HTTP_USER_AGENT#
  cfhttpparam name=#Variables.googleCookie# type=COOKIE 
  cfhttpparam name=actionType type=URLvalue=authenticateUser
  cfhttpparam name=userName   type=URLvalue=#Variables.adminUser#
  cfhttpparam name=password   type=URLvalue=#Variables.adminPwd#
 cfset Variables.error = checkHttpStruct(CFHTTP, Login Request)

cfif NOT Variables.error
 !--- Check if we have a successful login by looking for the google welcome on 
the admin main page ---
 cfif FindNoCase(#Variables.googleWelcome#, CFHTTP.Filecontent) EQ 0
  cfoutputLogin Failed/cfoutputBR
  cfset Variables.error = True

cfif NOT Variables.error
 cfoutputLogin Success/cfoutputBR
 cfif URL.command EQ Export_Config
  !--- Export Config ---
  cfhttp  method=POST url=#Variables.url# 
   cfhttpparam name=#Variables.googleCookie# type=COOKIE 
   cfhttpparam name=actionType type=URLvalue=importExport
   cfhttpparam name=export type=URLvalue=Export Configuration
   cfhttpparam name=password1  type=URLvalue=#Variables.adminPwd#
   cfhttpparam name=password2  type=URLvalue=#Variables.adminPwd#
 !--- TBD
 cfelseif URL.command EQ Import_Config
 cfelseif URL.command EQ Add_Collection
 cfelseif URL.command EQ Delete_Collection
 TBD ---
 cfset Variables.error = checkHttpStruct(CFHTTP, #URL.command#)

 !--- Log out ---
 cfhttp method=POST url=#Variables.url# useragent=#CGI.HTTP_USER_AGENT#
  cfhttpparam name=#Variables.googleCookie# type=COOKIE 
  cfhttpparam name=actionType   type=URLvalue=logout
 cfset Variables.error = checkHttpStruct(CFHTTP, Logout Request)

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Re: cfhttp and Google Search Appliance

2008-08-25 Thread Kevin Stone
Thanks for your help Dave.

Yes, the URL is http://IP:8000/EnterpriseController

I don't expect you to do my job for me, but I have included my initial script 
below.  Does anything jump out as being wrong?  My code is probably not the 
best since I am still learning coldfusion.

!--- Expects URL.command   ---
!---   Export_Config   ---
!---   Import_Config Filename  ---
!---   Add_Collection CollectionID CollectionName? ---
!---   Delete_Collection CollectionID  ---

!--- Function to check HTTP response for errors and print debug ---
cffunction name=checkHttpStruct returnType=boolean
  cfargument name=httpStruct type=Struct required=yes
  cfargument name=stage type=String required=yes

  cfif LEN(httpStruct.errorDetail) GT 0
cfdump var=#httpStruct.errorDetail# label=#stage# ErrorBR
cfreturn true
  cfdump var=#httpStruct# label=#stage# ResponseBR
  cfreturn false

!--- Initialize ---
cfset Variables.error = False
cfset Variables.googleWelcome = Google Mini  Home 
cfset Variables.adminUser = admin
cfset Variables.adminPwd = blahblah !--- TBD HARDCODE get from db ---
cfset Variables.googleIP = !--- TBD HARDCODE Application.cfm 

!--- Set the URL for the google admin console ---
cfset Variables.url = http://#Variables.googleIP#:8000/EnterpriseController;

!--- Send initial request to google.  This is just to get a response ---
cfhttp method=GET url=#Variables.url# result=Variables.response/cfhttp
cfset Variables.error = checkHttpStruct(Variables.response, Initial Request)

cfif NOT Variables.error
  !--- Get the cookie from the response object. This is the cookie that  ---
  !--- we are going to echo back in subsequent CFHttp requests.  ---
  !--- The google cookie will look like:  S=enterprise=; PATH=/; ---
  !---  where  is a unique key   ---
  cfset Variables.googleCookie = 

  !--- We dont care about the PATH so just get the first item from the cookie 
  !--- (take the string before the first semi-colon) ---
  cfset Variables.NameAndValue = ListGetAt(Variables.googleCookie,1,;)

  !--- The name is everything before the first equal sign (chr(61) ---
  !--- Will be S given the Cookie is S=enterprise= ---
  cfset Variables.cName = ListFirst(Variables.NameAndValue, chr(61))

  !--- The value is everything after the first equal sign  ---
  !--- Will be enterprise= given the Cookie is S=enterprise= 
  cfset Variables.cValue = ListRest(Variables.NameAndValue, chr(61))

  !--- Send a reload request to get past the initial screen ---
  !--- that tells you to enable cookies in your browser ---
  cfhttp method=POST url=#Variables.url# result=Variables.response
cfhttpparam name=actionTypetype=URLvalue=reload
cfhttpparam name=#Variables.cName# type=COOKIE 
  cfset Variables.error = checkHttpStruct(Variables.response, Reload 

cfif NOT Variables.error
  !--- Try to login ---
  cfhttp method=POST url=#Variables.url# result=Variables.response
cfhttpparam name=actionType  type=URLvalue=authenticateUser
cfhttpparam name=userNametype=URL
cfhttpparam name=passwordtype=URL
cfhttpparam name=#Variables.cName# type=COOKIE 
  cfset Variables.error = checkHttpStruct(Variables.response, Login Request)

cfif NOT Variables.error
  !--- Check if we have a successful login by looking for the google welcome 
  cfif NOT FindNoCase(Variables.googleWelcome, Variables.response.header)
cfoutputLogin Failed/cfoutputBR
cfset Variables.error = True

cfif NOT Variables.error
  cfoutputLogin Success/cfoutputBR

  cfif URL.command EQ Export_Config
!--- Export Config ---
cfhttp  method=POST url=#Variables.url# result=Variables.response
  cfhttpparam name=actionType type=URLvalue=importExport
  cfhttpparam name=export type=URLvalue=Export 
  cfhttpparam name=password1  type=URL
  cfhttpparam name=password2  type=URL
  cfhttpparam name=#Variables.cName# type=COOKIE 
  !--- TBD 
  cfelseif URL.command EQ Import_Config
  cfelseif URL.command EQ Add_Collection
  cfelseif URL.command EQ Delete_Collection
  TBD ---
  cfset Variables.error = checkHttpStruct(Variables.response, #URL.command#)

  !--- Log out ---
  cfhttp method=POST url=#Variables.url# result=Variables.response
cfhttpparam name=actionType type=URL value=logout
  cfset Variables.error = 

Re: cfhttp and Google Search Appliance

2008-08-24 Thread Kevin Stone
Hey Dave,

I have finished the first version of my CF script that will talk with the 
Google mini Admin console but I am having trouble.

Just briefly, I first cfhttp the google and I get a response with a cookie.  In 
the data it sends back I can see it is on the page that requests that you make 
sure that your browser is set to accept cookies.  I store the cookie for future 
use and then send a reload request (should transition the google to the login 
page) with the cookie stored in the cfhttp header.  But, when the google 
responds it sends a different cookie and there isn't anything that I can see in 
the response that indicates I am on the login page.  Is this what you would 
expect?  I had thought the google would respond with the original cookie since 
we are in a conversation.


CF is just as good as any of these for this sort of thing, so if you prefer
using CF you should just go ahead. The examples in the GSA Google Group use
Python (as do most Google code examples), but they're not very extensive or
complete anyway.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
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Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
Visit http://training.figleaf.com/ for more information! 

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Re: cfhttp and Google Search Appliance

2008-08-21 Thread Kevin Stone
Thanks Dave,

You have given me hope.  At least I am on a path that is possible.  I have an 
example done with curl and make but they wont allow curl on our server.  
Perhaps I can mimic it with cfhttp.  Would you suggest any other approach, 
java, ...?


  Hey Dave Watts,
  Can you use cfhttp to add/delete/update 
  collection configuration in a Google mini? 
  For example when we add a new 
  collection on one of our systems can we 
  use cfhttp to update the other or do we
  need to do it manually thru the admin 
 Hey, Kevin!
 Yes, you can! However, it's a pain. You'll need to capture the cookie 
 from your initial request, then send admin credentials  in an HTTP 
 POST, then do the collection submission.
 Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software 

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
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Re: cfhttp and Google Search Appliance

2008-08-20 Thread Kevin Stone
Hey Dave Watts,

Can you use cfhttp to add/delete/update collection configuration in a Google 
mini?  For example when we add a new collection on one of our systems can we 
use cfhttp to update the other or do we need to do it manually thru the admin 

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coldfusion 8: cfsearch type=internet want exact match on cf_custom1

2008-08-07 Thread Kevin Stone
When I index documents I put some metadata in the custom1 field.

When I search I use an internet type search and use cf_custom1 to help filter 
results.  An example of the criteria that I set in cfsearch:

   cf_custom1:Finland currency

meaning to only return results with an exact match to Finland in custom1 and 
content that contains the word currency or derivations.

OK, now the problem.  According to the documentation since I put Finland in 
double quotes it should not STEM and only return exact matches.  It isn't.  I 
get back results from verity with Finland_2002 in custom1.  Anybody have any 
idea what I am doing wrong? 

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Re: Missing Template Handler is missing

2008-08-07 Thread Kevin Stone
Have you tried everything mentioned at 

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Re: Missing Template Handler is missing

2008-08-07 Thread Kevin Stone
I thought that there was a link at the bottom of the page that addresses 
general things to try via Coldfusion Admin.  Sorry if I was incorrect 

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Re: Missing Template Handler is missing

2008-08-07 Thread Kevin Stone
Yea, unless the unix version is different, i think CF 5.0 and earlier require 
an absolute path while MX and 8 use a relative path. 

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