Many thanks to all who answered my previous query.
I ended up using Anthony's solution (thanks Anthony)
However I have one more problem now

I have one record:
"SUS","","0133102858","Heinermans Encyclopedia of Nuts, Berries and 
Seeds","HEINERMAN JOHN",29.95,1,"TP","1995",

which has a comma in the middle of a field ie "Heinermans Encyclopedia of 
Nuts, Berries and Seeds" .

I have adapted Anthony's code to do an insert into a database table:

<CFFILE action="READ" 

<!--- Loop thru lines of text --->
<CFLOOP index="i" list="#Candelo#" delimiters="#Chr(10)##Chr(13)#">
<CFSET variables.part=trim(i)>
<CFSET variables.partlen=len(variables.part)>
<CFSET variables.newpart=left(variables.part, variables.partlen - 1)>
<!--- get rid of quotes around each record --->
<CFSET variables.newpart=Replace("#newpart#", """" ," ","ALL")>

<CFSET Dept = ListFirst(variables.newpart,",")>
<CFSET Category = ListGetAt(variables.newpart,"2",",")>
<CFSET ISBN = ListGetAt(variables.newpart,"3",",")>
<CFSET Title = ListGetAt(variables.newpart,"4",",")>
<CFSET Author = ListGetAt(variables.newpart,"5",",")>
<CFSET RRP = ListGetAt(variables.newpart,"6",",")>
<CFSET Qty = ListGetAt(variables.newpart,"7",",")>
<CFSET Binding = ListGetAt(variables.newpart,"8",",")>
<CFSET Year = ListGetAt(variables.newpart,"9",",")>

<CFQUERY NAME="AddClient" DATASOURCE="#request.main_dsn#">
INSERT INTO tbl_test_insert (Dept, Category, ISBN, Title, Author, RRP, Qty, 
Binding, Year)
VALUES ('#Trim(Dept)#', '#Trim(Category)#', '#Trim(ISBN)#', 
'#Trim(Title)#', '#Trim(Author)#', '#Trim(RRP)#', #Trim(Qty)#, 
'#Trim(Binding)#', '#Trim(Year)#')

This seems to work fine but where there is a comma inside a field I get
Heinermans Encyclopedia of Nuts      going into Title OK but then
Berries and Seeds     goes into Author
it doesn't affect any other records.

So how can I get rid of a comma inside quotes??

Any ideas?

And is the way I've done the insert reasonably efficient?

Many thanks


At 01:05 am 31/05/2002 , you wrote:
><cffile action="READ" file="C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\test\test.txt"
><cfloop index="i" list="#stuff#" delimiters="#chr(10)##chr(13)#">
>         <cfset variables.part = trim(i)>
>         <cfset variables.partlen = len(variables.part)>
>         <cfset variables.newpart = left(variables.part, variables.partlen -
>         <cfoutput>#variables.newpart#<br></cfoutput>
>Anthony Petruzzi
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Andre Turrettini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2002 10:48 AM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: RE: cffile parsing problem
>You might want to start by replacing ",#Chr(10)##Chr(13)##Chr(10)##Chr(13)#"
>with a pipe or something. Then you can just loop thru the pipe for each
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Seamus Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2002 8:53 AM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: cffile parsing problem
>Hi all
>I have a txt file (I cannot change the format) which I want to
>insert/update into an access database online.
>I've been trying to read the file using CFFILE but cannot parse it properly
>This is the file:
>"SUS","BUTTER","1876334568","Attracting Butterflies to Your Garden","CLYNE
>"SUS","CATTLE","0882660667","Family Cow","VAN LOON DIRK",29.95,2,"PB","",
>"SUS","CATTLE","0911311688","Natural Cattle Care ACRES USA ED","COLEBY
>"SUS","COMPOS","0670904678","Australian Self Sufficiency Ha","SMITH
>"SUS","CONIFE","1876473312","Gardening With Conifers","BLOOM
>"SUS","COOKIN","0732265517","Best of Jackie French","FRENCH
>"SUS","COWSMI","086417120X","Keeping a Cow","WILSON JIM",0,0,"TP","1987",
>I don't know how to get rid of the last comma in each line, and then how to
>parse with a blank line between each record.
>I've tried this
><CFFILE action="READ"
><!--- Set a variable to hold the ascii values for a line break and a
>carriage return --->
><CFSET new_line=Chr(10) & Chr(13)>
><!--- Loop thru lines of text --->
><CFLOOP index="i" list="Candelo" delimiters="new_line">
>and get this (but repeated three times!)
>"SUS","BUTTER","1876334568","Attracting Butterflies to Your Garden","CLYNE
>DENSEY",23.95,1,"TP","", "SUS","CATTLE","0882660667","Family Cow","VAN LOON
>DIRK",29.95,2,"PB","", "SUS","CATTLE","0911311688","Natural Cattle Care
>ACRES USA ED","COLEBY PAT",49.50,0,"TP","",
>"SUS","COMPOS","0670904678","Australian Self Sufficiency Ha","SMITH
>KEITH",39.95,0,"TP","1992", "SUS","CONIFE","1876473312","Gardening With
>Conifers","BLOOM ADRIAN",42.90,0,"HB","2001",
>"SUS","COOKIN","0732265517","Best of Jackie French","FRENCH
>JACKIE",24.95,1,"TP","", "SUS","COWSMI","086417120X","Keeping a
>Cow","WILSON JIM",0,0,"TP","1987",
>Can anyone give me some clues or help please
>Many thanks
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