I am trying to group my cfquery output by date however as the values the date column also include the time stamp this is causing a problem.

Is there a way that i can make the query only group by the date portion of the datetime stamp as this will then allow me to group all records of the same date together  and then sort said grouped records by the complete date value which includes the date value.

<CFQUERY NAME="mycalendar1" dbtype="query">
select starttime, [from] as sentfrom, endtime, subject, duration, location, message, organizer, htmlmessage, requiredattendees
from mycalendar
group by starttime, endtime, subject, sentfrom, duration, location, message, organizer, htmlmessage, requiredattendees
order by starttime


Claude Raiola
B.Econ (Acc), B.Hot.Mngt.

Mobile: 0414 228 948

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