Hi All,  

I am using the following query to extract data from an excel spreadsheet



<CFQUERY NAME="nsw_howards_book"  DATASOURCE="howards_book">

SELECT BorrowerPcode, Pcode, locality

from "zD_ExportServiceFeeTemp$", "postcodes$"

where BorrowerPcode like '2%'

and BorrowerPcode like Pcode

group by BorrowerPcode, Pcode, locality                    

order by Pcode, BorrowerPcode, locality                    




The following code outputs the data  as required and counts the existence of the number of records within each group using the count formula, then groups the output by pcode and indicates how many records exist for that post code


<cfoutput query="nsw_howards_book" group="Pcode">


<cfset count=#count#+1>



<td><div align="center">#count#</div></td>

<td><div align="center">#BorrowerPcode#</div></td>

<td><div align="center">#locality#</div></td>

<cfset percentage=(#count#/#vic_howards_book.recordcount#)*100><td><div align="center">#numberformat(percentage, '99.99')#%</div></td>


<cfset count=0>



I am trying to figure out how to modify my code so that the output is grouped and sorted based on the number of individual records that exist for each postcode


Claude Raiola
B.Econ (Acc), B.Hot.Mngt.

Mobile: 0414 228 948

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