hi folks,

i've a small cfexecute problem on a linux machine. i'm sure it's
something very very simple, but i've not used cfexecute much before so
i hoped one of you would be able to help me out?

I've got latex installed on my server.

it means i can run commands like this to generate pngs of formulae.

   echo 'y = \int_0^\infty \gamma^2 \cos(x) dx' | latex-math2png -D
250 > eqn.png
   echo '\sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{x^n}{n!}' | latex-math2png -D 250 > eqn.png

now when i try to run these commands using cfexecute i get a blank
file generated. I've tried some variations, but this is basically what
i have:

<cfset arArguments = arrayNew(1) />
<cfset arArguments[1] = "\sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{x^n}{n!}" />
<cfset arArguments[2] = "-D 250" />

   name = "latex-math2png"
   arguments = "#arArguments#"
   outputFile = "/vhosts/mydomain.com/htdocs/latex/test.png" />

   <a href="/latex/test.png">link</a><br />
<img src="/latex/test.png" />

any ideas what i'm doing wrong?



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