I remember someone raising this issue yonks ago in CF 4.5 or something

A quick fix: #round((1024-1024.1)*100000)/100000#

On Wed, 2007-02-21 at 13:38 +1100, Robin Hilliard wrote:
> > What exactly is a 'CF number'?
> All simple CF variables are stored as strings.  When used as numbers  
> in an expression they have 12 significant digits according to the  
> documentation, which I assume is a java Float (a Double would have  
> more).
> As for a solution in CFML, I wouldn't mind an optional second  
> argument to round(), fix(), ceil() etc that defaulted to 0 and  
> specified the number of decimal places to round to (Excel VBA has this).
> I imagine that changing the type used to represent numbers internally  
> or building rounding into all number handling may impact legacy cf  
> apps and server performance - I would be against a change if either  
> were true.
> Cheers,
> Robin
> ______________
> Robin Hilliard
> Director - RocketBoots Pty Ltd
> Consulting . Recruitment . Software Licensing . Training
> http://www.rocketboots.com.au
> For schedule/availability call Pamela Higgins:
> w    +61 7 5451 0362
> m    +61 419 677 151
> f    +61 3 9923 6261
> or Direct:
> m    +61 418 414 341
> On 21/02/2007, at 10:32 AM, Rod Higgins wrote:
> >
> > Hi Robin,
> >
> > What exactly is a 'CF number'? It seems to be CF can store it as a  
> > string or
> > a double / float depending on the way it is constructed or what  
> > methods are
> > used on the var. I agree with Gareth in that CF needs to make untyped
> > numbers in CF more consistent. The values generated from Gareth's code
> > shouldn't happen and no I don't agree with the opinion it is a  
> > fault / known
> > issue of the Java language, it is simply the way CF was written to  
> > use Java.
> > They decided to go with a smaller memory footprint for storing numeric
> > values. This is a very annoying issue when dealing with very small  
> > numbers
> > in CF and has driven me nuts plenty of times before.
> >
> > Obviously using BigDecimal for every numeric in CF would use too  
> > much memory
> > but maybe some option for the construction of 'CF numbers' so  
> > developers can
> > choose to be more precise.
> >
> > Rod
> > 

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