Author: Volodymyr Sapsai
Date: 2022-06-30T18:40:46-07:00
New Revision: 15cb180dcbf84701f3af47983e223d0beaac3c9b


LOG: [ODRHash diagnostics] Split `err_module_odr_violation_mismatch_decl_diff` 
into per-entity diagnostics. NFC.

We'll need to add more cases for Objective-C entities and adding
everything to `err_module_odr_violation_mismatch_decl_diff` makes it
harder to work with over time.

Differential Revision:




diff  --git a/clang/include/clang/Basic/ 
index 251242e46fe5..0bd3734a4a04 100644
--- a/clang/include/clang/Basic/
+++ b/clang/include/clang/Basic/
@@ -177,20 +177,13 @@ def note_module_odr_violation_mismatch_decl : Note<"but 
in '%0' found "
   "protected access specifier|static assert|field|method|type alias|typedef|"
   "data member|friend declaration|function template}1">;
-def err_module_odr_violation_mismatch_decl_
diff  : Error<
+def err_module_odr_violation_record : Error<
   "%q0 has 
diff erent definitions in 
diff erent modules; first 
diff erence is "
   "%select{definition in module '%2'|defined here}1 found "
   "static assert with condition|"
   "static assert with message|"
   "static assert with %select{|no }4message|"
-  "field %4|"
-  "field %4 with type %5|"
-  "%select{non-|}5bitfield %4|"
-  "bitfield %4 with one width expression|"
-  "%select{non-|}5mutable field %4|"
-  "field %4 with %select{no|an}5 initalizer|"
-  "field %4 with an initializer|"
   "%select{method %5|constructor|destructor}4|"
   "%select{method %5|constructor|destructor}4 "
     "is %select{not deleted|deleted}6|"
@@ -226,13 +219,6 @@ def err_module_odr_violation_mismatch_decl_
diff  : Error<
     "with %select{no body|body}6|"
   "%select{method %5|constructor|destructor}4 "
     "with body|"
-  "%select{typedef|type alias}4 name %5|"
-  "%select{typedef|type alias}4 %5 with underlying type %6|"
-  "data member with name %4|"
-  "data member %4 with type %5|"
-  "data member %4 with%select{out|}5 an initializer|"
-  "data member %4 with an initializer|"
-  "data member %4 %select{is constexpr|is not constexpr}5|"
   "friend %select{class|function}4|"
   "friend %4|"
   "friend function %4|"
@@ -250,18 +236,11 @@ def err_module_odr_violation_mismatch_decl_
diff  : Error<
     "being a template parameter pack|"
-def note_module_odr_violation_mismatch_decl_
diff  : Note<"but in '%0' found "
+def note_module_odr_violation_record : Note<"but in '%0' found "
   "static assert with 
diff erent condition|"
   "static assert with 
diff erent message|"
   "static assert with %select{|no }2message|"
-  "field %2|"
-  "field %2 with type %3|"
-  "%select{non-|}3bitfield %2|"
-  "bitfield %2 with 
diff erent width expression|"
-  "%select{non-|}3mutable field %2|"
-  "field %2 with %select{no|an}3 initializer|"
-  "field %2 with a 
diff erent initializer|"
   "%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2|"
   "%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 "
     "is %select{not deleted|deleted}4|"
@@ -297,13 +276,6 @@ def note_module_odr_violation_mismatch_decl_
diff  : Note<"but in '%0' found "
     "with %select{no body|body}4|"
   "%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 "
diff erent body|"
-  "%select{typedef|type alias}2 name %3|"
-  "%select{typedef|type alias}2 %3 with 
diff erent underlying type %4|"
-  "data member with name %2|"
-  "data member %2 with 
diff erent type %3|"
-  "data member %2 with%select{out|}3 an initializer|"
-  "data member %2 with a 
diff erent initializer|"
-  "data member %2 %select{is constexpr|is not constexpr}3|"
   "friend %select{class|function}2|"
   "friend %2|"
   "friend function %2|"
@@ -321,6 +293,61 @@ def note_module_odr_violation_mismatch_decl_
diff  : Note<"but in '%0' found "
     "being a template parameter pack|"
+def err_module_odr_violation_field : Error<
+  "%q0 has 
diff erent definitions in 
diff erent modules; first 
diff erence is "
+  "%select{definition in module '%2'|defined here}1 found "
+  "%select{"
+  "field %4|"
+  "field %4 with type %5|"
+  "%select{non-|}5bitfield %4|"
+  "bitfield %4 with one width expression|"
+  "%select{non-|}5mutable field %4|"
+  "field %4 with %select{no|an}5 initalizer|"
+  "field %4 with an initializer"
+  "}3">;
+def note_module_odr_violation_field : Note<"but in '%0' found "
+  "%select{"
+  "field %2|"
+  "field %2 with type %3|"
+  "%select{non-|}3bitfield %2|"
+  "bitfield %2 with 
diff erent width expression|"
+  "%select{non-|}3mutable field %2|"
+  "field %2 with %select{no|an}3 initializer|"
+  "field %2 with a 
diff erent initializer"
+  "}1">;
+def err_module_odr_violation_typedef : Error<
+  "%q0 has 
diff erent definitions in 
diff erent modules; first 
diff erence is "
+  "%select{definition in module '%2'|defined here}1 found "
+  "%select{"
+  "%select{typedef|type alias}4 name %5|"
+  "%select{typedef|type alias}4 %5 with underlying type %6"
+  "}3">;
+def note_module_odr_violation_typedef : Note<"but in '%0' found "
+  "%select{"
+  "%select{typedef|type alias}2 name %3|"
+  "%select{typedef|type alias}2 %3 with 
diff erent underlying type %4"
+  "}1">;
+def err_module_odr_violation_variable : Error<
+  "%q0 has 
diff erent definitions in 
diff erent modules; first 
diff erence is "
+  "%select{definition in module '%2'|defined here}1 found "
+  "%select{"
+  "data member with name %4|"
+  "data member %4 with type %5|"
+  "data member %4 with%select{out|}5 an initializer|"
+  "data member %4 with an initializer|"
+  "data member %4 %select{is constexpr|is not constexpr}5"
+  "}3">;
+def note_module_odr_violation_variable : Note<"but in '%0' found "
+  "%select{"
+  "data member with name %2|"
+  "data member %2 with 
diff erent type %3|"
+  "data member %2 with%select{out|}3 an initializer|"
+  "data member %2 with a 
diff erent initializer|"
+  "data member %2 %select{is constexpr|is not constexpr}3"
+  "}1">;
 def err_module_odr_violation_function : Error<
   "%q0 has 
diff erent definitions in 
diff erent modules; "
   "%select{definition in module '%2'|defined here}1 "

diff  --git a/clang/lib/Serialization/ASTReader.cpp 
index 6bfd81634f50..37371eff28ef 100644
--- a/clang/lib/Serialization/ASTReader.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Serialization/ASTReader.cpp
@@ -9637,19 +9637,12 @@ void ASTReader::diagnoseOdrViolations() {
-  // Used with err_module_odr_violation_mismatch_decl_
diff  and
-  // note_module_odr_violation_mismatch_decl_
-  enum ODRMismatchDeclDifference {
+  // Used with err_module_odr_violation_record and
+  // note_module_odr_violation_record
+  enum ODRCXXRecordDifference {
-    FieldName,
-    FieldTypeName,
-    FieldSingleBitField,
-    FieldDifferentWidthBitField,
-    FieldSingleMutable,
-    FieldSingleInitializer,
-    FieldDifferentInitializers,
@@ -9668,13 +9661,6 @@ void ASTReader::diagnoseOdrViolations() {
-    TypedefName,
-    TypedefType,
-    VarName,
-    VarType,
-    VarSingleInitializer,
-    VarDifferentInitializer,
-    VarConstexpr,
@@ -9694,17 +9680,27 @@ void ASTReader::diagnoseOdrViolations() {
                           NamedDecl *FirstRecord, StringRef FirstModule,
                           StringRef SecondModule, FieldDecl *FirstField,
                           FieldDecl *SecondField) {
+    enum ODRFieldDifference {
+      FieldName,
+      FieldTypeName,
+      FieldSingleBitField,
+      FieldDifferentWidthBitField,
+      FieldSingleMutable,
+      FieldSingleInitializer,
+      FieldDifferentInitializers,
+    };
     auto DiagError = [FirstRecord, FirstField, FirstModule,
-                      this](ODRMismatchDeclDifference DiffType) {
+                      this](ODRFieldDifference DiffType) {
       return Diag(FirstField->getLocation(),
-                  diag::err_module_odr_violation_mismatch_decl_
diff )
+                  diag::err_module_odr_violation_field)
              << FirstRecord << FirstModule.empty() << FirstModule
              << FirstField->getSourceRange() << DiffType;
     auto DiagNote = [SecondField, SecondModule,
-                     this](ODRMismatchDeclDifference DiffType) {
+                     this](ODRFieldDifference DiffType) {
       return Diag(SecondField->getLocation(),
-                  diag::note_module_odr_violation_mismatch_decl_
diff )
+                  diag::note_module_odr_violation_field)
              << SecondModule << SecondField->getSourceRange() << DiffType;
@@ -9792,17 +9788,22 @@ void ASTReader::diagnoseOdrViolations() {
           NamedDecl *FirstRecord, StringRef FirstModule, StringRef 
           TypedefNameDecl *FirstTD, TypedefNameDecl *SecondTD,
           bool IsTypeAlias) {
+        enum ODRTypedefDifference {
+          TypedefName,
+          TypedefType,
+        };
         auto DiagError = [FirstRecord, FirstTD, FirstModule,
-                          this](ODRMismatchDeclDifference DiffType) {
+                          this](ODRTypedefDifference DiffType) {
           return Diag(FirstTD->getLocation(),
-                      diag::err_module_odr_violation_mismatch_decl_
diff )
+                      diag::err_module_odr_violation_typedef)
                  << FirstRecord << FirstModule.empty() << FirstModule
                  << FirstTD->getSourceRange() << DiffType;
         auto DiagNote = [SecondTD, SecondModule,
-                         this](ODRMismatchDeclDifference DiffType) {
+                         this](ODRTypedefDifference DiffType) {
           return Diag(SecondTD->getLocation(),
-                      diag::note_module_odr_violation_mismatch_decl_
diff )
+                      diag::note_module_odr_violation_typedef)
                  << SecondModule << SecondTD->getSourceRange() << DiffType;
@@ -9830,17 +9831,24 @@ void ASTReader::diagnoseOdrViolations() {
                      this](NamedDecl *FirstRecord, StringRef FirstModule,
                            StringRef SecondModule, VarDecl *FirstVD,
                            VarDecl *SecondVD) {
+    enum ODRVarDifference {
+      VarName,
+      VarType,
+      VarSingleInitializer,
+      VarDifferentInitializer,
+      VarConstexpr,
+    };
     auto DiagError = [FirstRecord, FirstVD, FirstModule,
-                      this](ODRMismatchDeclDifference DiffType) {
+                      this](ODRVarDifference DiffType) {
       return Diag(FirstVD->getLocation(),
-                  diag::err_module_odr_violation_mismatch_decl_
diff )
+                  diag::err_module_odr_violation_variable)
              << FirstRecord << FirstModule.empty() << FirstModule
              << FirstVD->getSourceRange() << DiffType;
-    auto DiagNote = [SecondVD, SecondModule,
-                     this](ODRMismatchDeclDifference DiffType) {
+    auto DiagNote = [SecondVD, SecondModule, this](ODRVarDifference DiffType) {
       return Diag(SecondVD->getLocation(),
-                  diag::note_module_odr_violation_mismatch_decl_
diff )
+                  diag::note_module_odr_violation_variable)
              << SecondModule << SecondVD->getSourceRange() << DiffType;
@@ -10053,15 +10061,15 @@ void ASTReader::diagnoseOdrViolations() {
       std::string SecondModule = 
       auto ODRDiagDeclError = [FirstRecord, &FirstModule,
                                this](SourceLocation Loc, SourceRange Range,
-                                     ODRMismatchDeclDifference DiffType) {
-        return Diag(Loc, diag::err_module_odr_violation_mismatch_decl_
diff )
+                                     ODRCXXRecordDifference DiffType) {
+        return Diag(Loc, diag::err_module_odr_violation_record)
                << FirstRecord << FirstModule.empty() << FirstModule << Range
                << DiffType;
       auto ODRDiagDeclNote = [&SecondModule,
                               this](SourceLocation Loc, SourceRange Range,
-                                    ODRMismatchDeclDifference DiffType) {
-        return Diag(Loc, diag::note_module_odr_violation_mismatch_decl_
diff )
+                                    ODRCXXRecordDifference DiffType) {
+        return Diag(Loc, diag::note_module_odr_violation_record)
                << SecondModule << Range << DiffType;
@@ -10388,13 +10396,13 @@ void ASTReader::diagnoseOdrViolations() {
         DeclarationName FirstName = FirstMethod->getDeclName();
         DeclarationName SecondName = SecondMethod->getDeclName();
         auto DiagMethodError = [&ODRDiagDeclError, FirstMethod, 
-                                FirstName](ODRMismatchDeclDifference DiffType) 
+                                FirstName](ODRCXXRecordDifference DiffType) {
           return ODRDiagDeclError(FirstMethod->getLocation(),
                                   FirstMethod->getSourceRange(), DiffType)
                  << FirstMethodType << FirstName;
         auto DiagMethodNote = [&ODRDiagDeclNote, SecondMethod, 
-                               SecondName](ODRMismatchDeclDifference DiffType) 
+                               SecondName](ODRCXXRecordDifference DiffType) {
           return ODRDiagDeclNote(SecondMethod->getLocation(),
                                  SecondMethod->getSourceRange(), DiffType)
                  << SecondMethodType << SecondName;
@@ -10729,13 +10737,13 @@ void ASTReader::diagnoseOdrViolations() {
         auto DiagTemplateError = [&ODRDiagDeclError, FirstTemplate](
-                                     ODRMismatchDeclDifference DiffType) {
+                                     ODRCXXRecordDifference DiffType) {
           return ODRDiagDeclError(FirstTemplate->getLocation(),
                                   FirstTemplate->getSourceRange(), DiffType)
                  << FirstTemplate;
         auto DiagTemplateNote = [&ODRDiagDeclNote, SecondTemplate](
-                                    ODRMismatchDeclDifference DiffType) {
+                                    ODRCXXRecordDifference DiffType) {
           return ODRDiagDeclNote(SecondTemplate->getLocation(),
                                  SecondTemplate->getSourceRange(), DiffType)
                  << SecondTemplate;

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