MaxEW707 wrote:

> I would like some measurements so we can compare build times on Windows.

I took some benchmarks with `-ftime-trace` on the parse times with and without 
this change.
Pretty much all the big hitters, string/vector/map/algorithm, includes 
`<xmemory>` which includes `<limits>` which includes `<intrin[0].h>`.
The test file used looked as follows to simulate some common stl includes.
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>

clang-cl 16 frontend took ~190ms to parse those 3 headers. `intrin.h` took 
~32ms to parse.

clang-cl built with this PR frontend took ~1368ms to parse. `intrin.h` took 
~969ms to parse. Most of that time is from `<x86intrin.h>` as expected. 
`intrin0.h` took ~2ms to parse.

It is known that `immintrin.h` and `x86intrin.h` being the everything header 
definitely makes it an **expensive** include.
I don't need to compile any project to know that include time difference will 
be felt by any code that uses STL.

MSVC STL ships with each compiler upgrade. VS has a separate dir for each 
installed msvc, `VC\Tools\MSVC\14.38.33130` for MSVC 1938, and each installed 
compiler has a specific version of msvc stl shipped with it under, 
Only one version of clang-cl is shipped with VS at a time and it will always 
point to the latest `VCToolsDir` via the clang driver unless clang is passed an 
explicit dir on the command line by the user.
For example VS2022 17.7 upgraded from clang-cl 15 to clang-cl 16. From that 
point on-wards only clang-cl 16 exists on disk in your VS install.
That seems to correspond to what was said here,, every 
shipped version of MSVC STL supports only the latest compilers provided by VS.

We have some options. I am fine with whatever the consensus is as long as I can 
move this over the finish line.
1. Users who upgrade clang-cl before MSVC STL officially supports the new 
version of clang-cl will suffer slower builds.
    I would classify this as an unsupported config since once VS ships with 
support for the new clang-cl, intentionally building against an older 
`VCToolsDir` will also incur the include overhead. Up to you guys if view this 
as an unsupported config.
2. Add a config define that users can define to enable the old behaviour in the 
interim. Once MSVC STL supports the new version of clang-cl we can remove this 
config define in the next release.
3.  Release clang with `intrin0.h`. Get a change into MSVC STL. Wait for MSVC 
STL release. Release another clang with `intrin.h` changes. I am not well 
versed on what changes clang allows in patch or minor releases but this feels 
like it would have a long lag time before clang-cl can become usable for us.
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