antiagainst wrote:

Thanks for breaking down this pull request into various smaller pieces to make 
it easier for review. I looked at various pieces; LGTM. Looking forward to see 
this being supported! :)

from @joker-eph:
> Vulkan and Spirv still have dedicated runners on the model of the original 
> cuda-runner, but I suspect this is just legacy?

from @Jianhui-Li:
> The current way of mlir-cpu-runner using the share library name to indicate 
> target-platform looks good to me: Cuda, Rocm, and SYCL with this PR. Vulkan 
> could be added same way. mlir-cpu-spirv-runner could be refactored to be 
> mlir-opt passes generating spirv binary and feed to mlir-cpu-runner.

Yup; it's legacy. +1 to the idea of unifying! I've created to track this issue to make 
it more visible. I might not have the bandwidth to work on this; if somebody 
else is interested that'd be nice! So maked it as "good first issue" (not sure 
whether I'm pushing the limit of "good first issue" but hoping to get traction 
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