Author: lichray
Date: Mon Jul  2 20:25:10 2018
New Revision: 336164

[libc++] Lift std::errc into a separated header

Summary: This is needed to implement `<charconv>`, otherwise `<charconv>` would 
need to include `<system_error>`, which pulls in `<string>` -- a header which 
the `<charconv>` proposal intends to keep away from.

Reviewers: mclow.lists, EricWF

Reviewed By: mclow.lists

Subscribers: christof, cfe-commits

Differential Revision:


Added: libcxx/trunk/include/__errc
--- libcxx/trunk/include/__errc (added)
+++ libcxx/trunk/include/__errc Mon Jul  2 20:25:10 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+//===---------------------------- __errc 
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#ifndef _LIBCPP___ERRC
+#define _LIBCPP___ERRC
+    system_error synopsis
+namespace std
+enum class errc
+    address_family_not_supported,       // EAFNOSUPPORT
+    address_in_use,                     // EADDRINUSE
+    address_not_available,              // EADDRNOTAVAIL
+    already_connected,                  // EISCONN
+    argument_list_too_long,             // E2BIG
+    argument_out_of_domain,             // EDOM
+    bad_address,                        // EFAULT
+    bad_file_descriptor,                // EBADF
+    bad_message,                        // EBADMSG
+    broken_pipe,                        // EPIPE
+    connection_aborted,                 // ECONNABORTED
+    connection_already_in_progress,     // EALREADY
+    connection_refused,                 // ECONNREFUSED
+    connection_reset,                   // ECONNRESET
+    cross_device_link,                  // EXDEV
+    destination_address_required,       // EDESTADDRREQ
+    device_or_resource_busy,            // EBUSY
+    directory_not_empty,                // ENOTEMPTY
+    executable_format_error,            // ENOEXEC
+    file_exists,                        // EEXIST
+    file_too_large,                     // EFBIG
+    filename_too_long,                  // ENAMETOOLONG
+    function_not_supported,             // ENOSYS
+    host_unreachable,                   // EHOSTUNREACH
+    identifier_removed,                 // EIDRM
+    illegal_byte_sequence,              // EILSEQ
+    inappropriate_io_control_operation, // ENOTTY
+    interrupted,                        // EINTR
+    invalid_argument,                   // EINVAL
+    invalid_seek,                       // ESPIPE
+    io_error,                           // EIO
+    is_a_directory,                     // EISDIR
+    message_size,                       // EMSGSIZE
+    network_down,                       // ENETDOWN
+    network_reset,                      // ENETRESET
+    network_unreachable,                // ENETUNREACH
+    no_buffer_space,                    // ENOBUFS
+    no_child_process,                   // ECHILD
+    no_link,                            // ENOLINK
+    no_lock_available,                  // ENOLCK
+    no_message_available,               // ENODATA
+    no_message,                         // ENOMSG
+    no_protocol_option,                 // ENOPROTOOPT
+    no_space_on_device,                 // ENOSPC
+    no_stream_resources,                // ENOSR
+    no_such_device_or_address,          // ENXIO
+    no_such_device,                     // ENODEV
+    no_such_file_or_directory,          // ENOENT
+    no_such_process,                    // ESRCH
+    not_a_directory,                    // ENOTDIR
+    not_a_socket,                       // ENOTSOCK
+    not_a_stream,                       // ENOSTR
+    not_connected,                      // ENOTCONN
+    not_enough_memory,                  // ENOMEM
+    not_supported,                      // ENOTSUP
+    operation_canceled,                 // ECANCELED
+    operation_in_progress,              // EINPROGRESS
+    operation_not_permitted,            // EPERM
+    operation_not_supported,            // EOPNOTSUPP
+    operation_would_block,              // EWOULDBLOCK
+    owner_dead,                         // EOWNERDEAD
+    permission_denied,                  // EACCES
+    protocol_error,                     // EPROTO
+    protocol_not_supported,             // EPROTONOSUPPORT
+    read_only_file_system,              // EROFS
+    resource_deadlock_would_occur,      // EDEADLK
+    resource_unavailable_try_again,     // EAGAIN
+    result_out_of_range,                // ERANGE
+    state_not_recoverable,              // ENOTRECOVERABLE
+    stream_timeout,                     // ETIME
+    text_file_busy,                     // ETXTBSY
+    timed_out,                          // ETIMEDOUT
+    too_many_files_open_in_system,      // ENFILE
+    too_many_files_open,                // EMFILE
+    too_many_links,                     // EMLINK
+    too_many_symbolic_link_levels,      // ELOOP
+    value_too_large,                    // EOVERFLOW
+    wrong_protocol_type                 // EPROTOTYPE
+#include <__config>
+#include <cerrno>
+#pragma GCC system_header
+// Some error codes are not present on all platforms, so we provide equivalents
+// for them:
+//enum class errc
+    address_family_not_supported        = EAFNOSUPPORT,
+    address_in_use                      = EADDRINUSE,
+    address_not_available               = EADDRNOTAVAIL,
+    already_connected                   = EISCONN,
+    argument_list_too_long              = E2BIG,
+    argument_out_of_domain              = EDOM,
+    bad_address                         = EFAULT,
+    bad_file_descriptor                 = EBADF,
+    bad_message                         = EBADMSG,
+    broken_pipe                         = EPIPE,
+    connection_aborted                  = ECONNABORTED,
+    connection_already_in_progress      = EALREADY,
+    connection_refused                  = ECONNREFUSED,
+    connection_reset                    = ECONNRESET,
+    cross_device_link                   = EXDEV,
+    destination_address_required        = EDESTADDRREQ,
+    device_or_resource_busy             = EBUSY,
+    directory_not_empty                 = ENOTEMPTY,
+    executable_format_error             = ENOEXEC,
+    file_exists                         = EEXIST,
+    file_too_large                      = EFBIG,
+    filename_too_long                   = ENAMETOOLONG,
+    function_not_supported              = ENOSYS,
+    host_unreachable                    = EHOSTUNREACH,
+    identifier_removed                  = EIDRM,
+    illegal_byte_sequence               = EILSEQ,
+    inappropriate_io_control_operation  = ENOTTY,
+    interrupted                         = EINTR,
+    invalid_argument                    = EINVAL,
+    invalid_seek                        = ESPIPE,
+    io_error                            = EIO,
+    is_a_directory                      = EISDIR,
+    message_size                        = EMSGSIZE,
+    network_down                        = ENETDOWN,
+    network_reset                       = ENETRESET,
+    network_unreachable                 = ENETUNREACH,
+    no_buffer_space                     = ENOBUFS,
+    no_child_process                    = ECHILD,
+    no_link                             = ENOLINK,
+    no_lock_available                   = ENOLCK,
+#ifdef ENODATA
+    no_message_available                = ENODATA,
+    no_message_available                = ENOMSG,
+    no_message                          = ENOMSG,
+    no_protocol_option                  = ENOPROTOOPT,
+    no_space_on_device                  = ENOSPC,
+#ifdef ENOSR
+    no_stream_resources                 = ENOSR,
+    no_stream_resources                 = ENOMEM,
+    no_such_device_or_address           = ENXIO,
+    no_such_device                      = ENODEV,
+    no_such_file_or_directory           = ENOENT,
+    no_such_process                     = ESRCH,
+    not_a_directory                     = ENOTDIR,
+    not_a_socket                        = ENOTSOCK,
+#ifdef ENOSTR
+    not_a_stream                        = ENOSTR,
+    not_a_stream                        = EINVAL,
+    not_connected                       = ENOTCONN,
+    not_enough_memory                   = ENOMEM,
+    not_supported                       = ENOTSUP,
+    operation_canceled                  = ECANCELED,
+    operation_in_progress               = EINPROGRESS,
+    operation_not_permitted             = EPERM,
+    operation_not_supported             = EOPNOTSUPP,
+    operation_would_block               = EWOULDBLOCK,
+    owner_dead                          = EOWNERDEAD,
+    permission_denied                   = EACCES,
+    protocol_error                      = EPROTO,
+    protocol_not_supported              = EPROTONOSUPPORT,
+    read_only_file_system               = EROFS,
+    resource_deadlock_would_occur       = EDEADLK,
+    resource_unavailable_try_again      = EAGAIN,
+    result_out_of_range                 = ERANGE,
+    state_not_recoverable               = ENOTRECOVERABLE,
+#ifdef ETIME
+    stream_timeout                      = ETIME,
+    stream_timeout                      = ETIMEDOUT,
+    text_file_busy                      = ETXTBSY,
+    timed_out                           = ETIMEDOUT,
+    too_many_files_open_in_system       = ENFILE,
+    too_many_files_open                 = EMFILE,
+    too_many_links                      = EMLINK,
+    too_many_symbolic_link_levels       = ELOOP,
+    value_too_large                     = EOVERFLOW,
+    wrong_protocol_type                 = EPROTOTYPE
+#endif  // _LIBCPP___ERRC

Modified: libcxx/trunk/include/module.modulemap
--- libcxx/trunk/include/module.modulemap (original)
+++ libcxx/trunk/include/module.modulemap Mon Jul  2 20:25:10 2018
@@ -482,6 +482,7 @@ module std [system] {
   // FIXME: These should be private.
   module __bit_reference { header "__bit_reference" export * }
   module __debug { header "__debug" export * }
+  module __errc { header "__errc" export * }
   module __functional_base { header "__functional_base" export * }
   module __hash_table { header "__hash_table" export * }
   module __locale { header "__locale" export * }

Modified: libcxx/trunk/include/system_error
--- libcxx/trunk/include/system_error (original)
+++ libcxx/trunk/include/system_error Mon Jul  2 20:25:10 2018
@@ -120,88 +120,6 @@ public:
     const char* what() const noexcept;
-enum class errc
-    address_family_not_supported,       // EAFNOSUPPORT
-    address_in_use,                     // EADDRINUSE
-    address_not_available,              // EADDRNOTAVAIL
-    already_connected,                  // EISCONN
-    argument_list_too_long,             // E2BIG
-    argument_out_of_domain,             // EDOM
-    bad_address,                        // EFAULT
-    bad_file_descriptor,                // EBADF
-    bad_message,                        // EBADMSG
-    broken_pipe,                        // EPIPE
-    connection_aborted,                 // ECONNABORTED
-    connection_already_in_progress,     // EALREADY
-    connection_refused,                 // ECONNREFUSED
-    connection_reset,                   // ECONNRESET
-    cross_device_link,                  // EXDEV
-    destination_address_required,       // EDESTADDRREQ
-    device_or_resource_busy,            // EBUSY
-    directory_not_empty,                // ENOTEMPTY
-    executable_format_error,            // ENOEXEC
-    file_exists,                        // EEXIST
-    file_too_large,                     // EFBIG
-    filename_too_long,                  // ENAMETOOLONG
-    function_not_supported,             // ENOSYS
-    host_unreachable,                   // EHOSTUNREACH
-    identifier_removed,                 // EIDRM
-    illegal_byte_sequence,              // EILSEQ
-    inappropriate_io_control_operation, // ENOTTY
-    interrupted,                        // EINTR
-    invalid_argument,                   // EINVAL
-    invalid_seek,                       // ESPIPE
-    io_error,                           // EIO
-    is_a_directory,                     // EISDIR
-    message_size,                       // EMSGSIZE
-    network_down,                       // ENETDOWN
-    network_reset,                      // ENETRESET
-    network_unreachable,                // ENETUNREACH
-    no_buffer_space,                    // ENOBUFS
-    no_child_process,                   // ECHILD
-    no_link,                            // ENOLINK
-    no_lock_available,                  // ENOLCK
-    no_message_available,               // ENODATA
-    no_message,                         // ENOMSG
-    no_protocol_option,                 // ENOPROTOOPT
-    no_space_on_device,                 // ENOSPC
-    no_stream_resources,                // ENOSR
-    no_such_device_or_address,          // ENXIO
-    no_such_device,                     // ENODEV
-    no_such_file_or_directory,          // ENOENT
-    no_such_process,                    // ESRCH
-    not_a_directory,                    // ENOTDIR
-    not_a_socket,                       // ENOTSOCK
-    not_a_stream,                       // ENOSTR
-    not_connected,                      // ENOTCONN
-    not_enough_memory,                  // ENOMEM
-    not_supported,                      // ENOTSUP
-    operation_canceled,                 // ECANCELED
-    operation_in_progress,              // EINPROGRESS
-    operation_not_permitted,            // EPERM
-    operation_not_supported,            // EOPNOTSUPP
-    operation_would_block,              // EWOULDBLOCK
-    owner_dead,                         // EOWNERDEAD
-    permission_denied,                  // EACCES
-    protocol_error,                     // EPROTO
-    protocol_not_supported,             // EPROTONOSUPPORT
-    read_only_file_system,              // EROFS
-    resource_deadlock_would_occur,      // EDEADLK
-    resource_unavailable_try_again,     // EAGAIN
-    result_out_of_range,                // ERANGE
-    state_not_recoverable,              // ENOTRECOVERABLE
-    stream_timeout,                     // ETIME
-    text_file_busy,                     // ETXTBSY
-    timed_out,                          // ETIMEDOUT
-    too_many_files_open_in_system,      // ENFILE
-    too_many_files_open,                // EMFILE
-    too_many_links,                     // EMLINK
-    too_many_symbolic_link_levels,      // ELOOP
-    value_too_large,                    // EOVERFLOW
-    wrong_protocol_type                 // EPROTOTYPE
 template <> struct is_error_condition_enum<errc>
     : true_type { }
@@ -225,8 +143,7 @@ template <> struct hash<std::error_condi
-#include <__config>
-#include <cerrno>
+#include <__errc>
 #include <type_traits>
 #include <stdexcept>
 #include <__functional_base>
@@ -260,109 +177,6 @@ template <class _Tp>
 _LIBCPP_INLINE_VAR constexpr size_t is_error_condition_enum_v = 
-// Some error codes are not present on all platforms, so we provide equivalents
-// for them:
-//enum class errc
-    address_family_not_supported        = EAFNOSUPPORT,
-    address_in_use                      = EADDRINUSE,
-    address_not_available               = EADDRNOTAVAIL,
-    already_connected                   = EISCONN,
-    argument_list_too_long              = E2BIG,
-    argument_out_of_domain              = EDOM,
-    bad_address                         = EFAULT,
-    bad_file_descriptor                 = EBADF,
-    bad_message                         = EBADMSG,
-    broken_pipe                         = EPIPE,
-    connection_aborted                  = ECONNABORTED,
-    connection_already_in_progress      = EALREADY,
-    connection_refused                  = ECONNREFUSED,
-    connection_reset                    = ECONNRESET,
-    cross_device_link                   = EXDEV,
-    destination_address_required        = EDESTADDRREQ,
-    device_or_resource_busy             = EBUSY,
-    directory_not_empty                 = ENOTEMPTY,
-    executable_format_error             = ENOEXEC,
-    file_exists                         = EEXIST,
-    file_too_large                      = EFBIG,
-    filename_too_long                   = ENAMETOOLONG,
-    function_not_supported              = ENOSYS,
-    host_unreachable                    = EHOSTUNREACH,
-    identifier_removed                  = EIDRM,
-    illegal_byte_sequence               = EILSEQ,
-    inappropriate_io_control_operation  = ENOTTY,
-    interrupted                         = EINTR,
-    invalid_argument                    = EINVAL,
-    invalid_seek                        = ESPIPE,
-    io_error                            = EIO,
-    is_a_directory                      = EISDIR,
-    message_size                        = EMSGSIZE,
-    network_down                        = ENETDOWN,
-    network_reset                       = ENETRESET,
-    network_unreachable                 = ENETUNREACH,
-    no_buffer_space                     = ENOBUFS,
-    no_child_process                    = ECHILD,
-    no_link                             = ENOLINK,
-    no_lock_available                   = ENOLCK,
-#ifdef ENODATA
-    no_message_available                = ENODATA,
-    no_message_available                = ENOMSG,
-    no_message                          = ENOMSG,
-    no_protocol_option                  = ENOPROTOOPT,
-    no_space_on_device                  = ENOSPC,
-#ifdef ENOSR
-    no_stream_resources                 = ENOSR,
-    no_stream_resources                 = ENOMEM,
-    no_such_device_or_address           = ENXIO,
-    no_such_device                      = ENODEV,
-    no_such_file_or_directory           = ENOENT,
-    no_such_process                     = ESRCH,
-    not_a_directory                     = ENOTDIR,
-    not_a_socket                        = ENOTSOCK,
-#ifdef ENOSTR
-    not_a_stream                        = ENOSTR,
-    not_a_stream                        = EINVAL,
-    not_connected                       = ENOTCONN,
-    not_enough_memory                   = ENOMEM,
-    not_supported                       = ENOTSUP,
-    operation_canceled                  = ECANCELED,
-    operation_in_progress               = EINPROGRESS,
-    operation_not_permitted             = EPERM,
-    operation_not_supported             = EOPNOTSUPP,
-    operation_would_block               = EWOULDBLOCK,
-    owner_dead                          = EOWNERDEAD,
-    permission_denied                   = EACCES,
-    protocol_error                      = EPROTO,
-    protocol_not_supported              = EPROTONOSUPPORT,
-    read_only_file_system               = EROFS,
-    resource_deadlock_would_occur       = EDEADLK,
-    resource_unavailable_try_again      = EAGAIN,
-    result_out_of_range                 = ERANGE,
-    state_not_recoverable               = ENOTRECOVERABLE,
-#ifdef ETIME
-    stream_timeout                      = ETIME,
-    stream_timeout                      = ETIMEDOUT,
-    text_file_busy                      = ETXTBSY,
-    timed_out                           = ETIMEDOUT,
-    too_many_files_open_in_system       = ENFILE,
-    too_many_files_open                 = EMFILE,
-    too_many_links                      = EMLINK,
-    too_many_symbolic_link_levels       = ELOOP,
-    value_too_large                     = EOVERFLOW,
-    wrong_protocol_type                 = EPROTOTYPE
 template <>
 struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS is_error_condition_enum<errc>
     : true_type { };

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