bwendling wrote:

@efriedma-quic, @nickdesaulniers, @rapidsna:

This is the latest version of this patch. I believe it's ready to submit. I 
_really_ tried to implement @efriedma-quic's idea, but there were too corner 
cases that made it much trickier than first imagined. I know that it's not 
impossible to implement it, but the further I went along the more I realized 
that the infrastructure just isn't sufficient to deal with it. I would *much* 
rather use `EmitLValueForField`, but it's not able to handle fields deeper than 
the current record level. A comment in the method even admits that it can't 
handle anonymous structs and unions.

It would be beneficial to rework `EmitLValueForField` to handle arbitrarily 
deep `FieldDecls`, but that's frankly beyond the scope of this patch.

This patch takes advantage of the fact that the Clang front-end appends the 
"source element type" to the GEPs it generates. So it's therefore possible to 
find the pointer to the correct struct base.

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